Semi-bizarre gallery devoted to people shaking their faces, having any loose skin flop around, and photographing the results.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Ahnuld's Dog, Heinrich

"Heel, Heinrich!", commands the Governator. "Kiss my grossly over-developed ass," snarls Heinrich in return. Go »


Recent conversation with Brenda: me: I've been thinking about our love life lately. Brenda: Have you been drinking? me: I think the best comparison would be to the cockroach. Go »


I just came back from a Daddy/Daughter event at Lauren's school. It was a PTA sponsored Bingo night. Lauren and I spent two hours playing Bingo laughing in frustration about coming so close to winning and just hugging and sharing a good time. Go »

Worth Your Weight in Gold

Are you worth your weight in gold? Gold bullion is traded by the Troy ounce which is 1/12th of a Troy pound that is little used today. A Troy oz is 480 grains or 31.103 Go »

So, How Much Has Been Spent Saving Matt Damon?

I calculated the amount of money spent, based on movie budgets, in saving Matt Damon. I only went to 2015 because I got tired. But up to then, here's the money that's been spent. Go »

Art Imitates Life

I had a flat tire this morning and it momentarily bummed me out. I ran over a bolt and could see it sticking out of the damned thing. I really didn't feel like crawling around on the oily pavement in my work clothes, so I called roadside assistance provided by my insurance carrier. Go »