Round-up of the fun and weird.

At last! The taste the world has been waiting for. Beer cocktail.
I couldn't get past the fourth picture down. Surgeon General's Warning: Too much laughter can lead to cardiac arrest. Dressed up pets.
Award-winning short film. Spin.
Superman's identity revealed! Again...
The motherlode of lyrics sites. Many nice additional features.
Latest addition to Barbie's dream house. Interactive floors and walls.
2008 Movie preview with many trailers.
Worst movies of 2007. With a clip from each! Beware - may cause temporary blindness!
Stand-up of the week: Jim Gaffigan.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

These People Really Hate Tomatoes

Random quote: "I accedentially (sic) ate a cherry tomato in my salad once,and now I worship satan." I personally like tomatoes and find it incredible that anyone can have such passion in either direction; love or hate. About tomatoes, I mean. Go »

Great Moments In Sign Hacking

If only I had had my camera... The Washington Beltway is similar to other major national highways in that it has several LED signs displaying messages to commuters. Silver alerts, orange alerts, missing children BOLOs, etc. Go »

Double Talk with a Forked Tongue

I've decided that from now on, I'm going to answer every question like a presidential candidate. Friend (voter): "Steve, what are you gonna do this weekend?" Me (blahblahblah): "That's a great question and an important one. Go »

Dear Miriam...

Oh, thank you Miriam, that's great advice. BTW this letter is indeed a spoof of the "Dear Miriam" column in The Daily Mirror that appeared in the satirical publication Viz. Pretty damn funny, though. Go »

It's Saturday And You Know What That Means...

Shopping Day. I went grocery shopping earlier today because I had the afternoon free and I prefer to get it done when I have the chance as opposed to shopping at night because that's the only time available after a full day's activity. Added bonus: no UOAS. Go »

Stay-cation Week III

Leave it to Amy to call it what it is. She's 100% right so far but wait till Friday. Today's schedule was a little tight because we used up the morning clothes shopping for school. Go »