by Tony Peters on October 28, 2007

The latest addition to my family...his name is GSP loves him in a strange interspecies way, however my other two cats seem offended/insulted about his existence. He seems relaxed takes it all in stride which set him as the mellowest cat I've ever had
Six Replies to Grommet
Tony Peters | October 29, 2007
so does it work now?
Jackie Mason | October 30, 2007
[hidden by author request]
Tony Peters | October 30, 2007
yeah I had to search the net a bit to find the proper description of him...Best we could come up with is "a white Tabby with Agouti ticking" Agouti ticking being the tendency of the ears tail and feet to be darker than the body much like an Abyssinian (probably the desert cat you were thinking of Jackie). We're not certain that he's gonna keep the blue eyes but for now that's another really cool thing about him. Zipper, our black cat, has decided that while she's not ready to snuggle down with him, evening crazies can definitely be spent with an energetic kitten not Grommet but sorta like this. Alas Sketch our stump-tailed tabby still looks upon him as an alien creature
Jackie Mason | October 31, 2007
[hidden by author request]
Tony Peters | October 31, 2007
mine is a Japanese Temple cat they are traditionally born with, shall we say deformed tails...bent, stumps, kinked corkscrew etc. Sketch's tail isn't bobbed it has all the musculature of a full length tail wrapped around 5 inches of bones....very strong little stump.
The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

the next grand adventure..........
as a retired sailor I really thought nothing of deploying and leaving my wife with the cats and dog at home while I went off to fight wars, fix submarines and otherwise earn a the shoe is on the other foot. I am in school fulltime taking care of the cats, the dog the house and whatever else pops up while my wife and best friend moves to DC to take her dream job. Go »
Beyond annoying...
well I'm officially retired now, sorta looking for a job but content to work in and around the house for a bit. My one task that I need to accomplish is to complete my VA claim and boy is that annoying....I have my medical record all 5 inches of it and I have to prove each issue that I am claiming and when I first had it treated....this Go »
sticky nasty weekend
Ok this is new england it's not supposed to be this hot...I'm sure Amy actually feels at home but it's been too long since I lived in Guam this is hot. I had plans for this weekend but instead other than a dump run I tried to stay in and stay cool. Go »
more liquid metal
My sculpture Professor decided that the burner we use for melting metal wasn't working out well, since it was designed for a forge and not a furnace he had a furnace burner used to take hours to melt 20lb of bronze, it took us 40 minutes yesterday. I have never seen the crucible as hot as it was. Go »
Pain on a whole new level
good afternoon/evening folks something happened on the way to work this morning, I touched my brakes and either my tires were cold or I hit some sand, the next thing I knew I was on the ground with my bike on top of me. The end result is I broke my right ankle. It's swollen a bit today and likely needs surgery I have an ortho appointment on monday and hopefully surgery on tuesday. Go »
Scott Hardie | October 29, 2007
Looks like they don't allow hotlinking. :-(