I got a phone call this morning from work (I'm on vacation) wondering if I know that I'm transferring in 2 weeks???? SAY WHAT???? yet again (this is the 3rd time) the Navy is transferring me to another job in the same area. I'm trying to keep a positive outlook but at the moment I'm just PISSED. My travel opportunities are gone now along with the extra money that brings. Plus my new job is teaching which while I've been told I'm good at it, it's not something I enjoy doing. The only good things that I see are that I'll be home more with a regular schedule (something my dog will be very happy about) and I'll be able to work on my portfolio for when I really retire in 19 months. Also it turns out that if I get promoted (and I still don't know if I will be) the job that I am in right now would have led to a out of state transfer in October...so this move (upstairs in the same building) protects me from a really unwanted transfer but I'm still unhappy with how this turned out


The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

Music....my life got a bit easier

I have a music fetish....I collect it and organize it and listen to it all day long....I am likely addicted to my shuffle, the New Itunes 8 just made my life so easy....Genius Go »

problems within problems

I read Daily Beast for mush of my news because I like the tone and because there aren't many conservatives left who don't deal exclusively in hate (Hannity Rush etc) I actually used to consider myself a conservative but I can't reconcile their embrace of ignorance nor their dismissal of a changing word. Anyway Meghan McCain wrote an interesting piece on the old guard's disregard for the internet Go »

Over Programed

True to my nature I only ever seem to be happy when I have too much on my plate...I'm reading 2 books and working on an online Photoshop CS3 class (I really want my Adobe Certified Expert before I retire). However the biggest impact on my life has been my wife and I starting P90X...we Go »

Seriously I am running...

OK maybe running isn't quite the best description especially since I am mostly running/jogging on trails but who would have thought that after 20 years of hating running (and that's an understatement) while in the Navy I am finding trailrunning soo much fun. This all started last fall when I decided that after 4 years the screws in my ankle were still annoying me. Removal isn't an option as recovery from that is a year of minimal exercise/stress which means I couldn't even swim or ride a bike. Go »

I miss the piazza

well after 22 hours in transit I have returned from Sardinia to the land of really bad Capoccino. I spent my birthday (Saturday) sitting in the Piazza in La Maddalena drinking Capoccino...there really isn't any comparision to the wonderful sense of relaxation that I felt there. Go »

My Suitcase

OK my trip around the Mediterranean sea was pleasant enough, Cyprus would be a great place to visit anytime not in the winter. Less than 20% of the city of Limasol was open, which made doing anything including eating an adventure. Lots of ruins, did anyone know that Cyprus is/was the birthplace of Aphrodite, I didn't. Go »