A pretty fun time again this year. My brother and his wife hosted a costume party and because Cheryl is a breast cancer survivor, she requested that each costume contain a touch of pink. I carried around a baguette and sang I Want to Rock 'n' Roll All Night in French (Je veux du rock 'n roll tour le soir, et jeter tour la jour). Olivia tolerated me taping a photo to her chest without trying to rip it off. Saw a lot of family and friends. Good times.

Me as a French Kiss

Olivia as Pink Floyd and Brenda as Bonnie Raitt

My house as House

Lauren saying, Wonder Woman wishes she looked this good

Three Replies to Halloween 2015

Chris Lemler | November 1, 2015
It seems like you guys had a blast

Scott Hardie | November 1, 2015
Looks like fun. :-)

Scott Hardie | November 1, 2015
Kelly dressed as Supergirl for work and a party, whereas I dressed as the dumbass who foolishly waited until the last minute to buy a costume and found the store sold out. :-(

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Such As It Is...

Best stuff I found this midweek. Funny homeless signs here and here. Music Roamer is an imaginative site that creates links to artists, similar artists, albums and other stuff. Go »

Watch Your Step

Stuff I stumbled upon this week. Oldie but still funny - Go »

Go Around or Go Over

Because Olivia's school is closed we've been forced to do home schooling along with her teacher doing Zoom three times each week. So lesson plans are still happening but her special education also includes speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy. I don't do speech or occupational but I stepped in for physical. Go »

Out of the Closet and into the Stratosphere

So Tom Cruise wants to go into outer space and meet aliens. I think I can scrounge together a few bucks for a one-way ticket. Any other takers? Go »

Stay-cation Week V

My God, bowling has gotten expensive. Sorry to speak of the costs of things so much but hey, this is a getting a little ridiculous. One game cost me $17.00. Go »

Toilets R Us

I got a thing for cool looking toilets. What can I say? I'd like most of these to be in Barbie's Dream House except for that face-to-face absurdity. Go »