Sign me up for information about lap band surgery, using my work email address and work phone number. I've been getting calls from various hospitals since last week.

At first I thought it was my friend and co-worker Aaron (not Shurtleff), since he has a mischievous sense of humor, but he denies it. It could be well-intentioned or a mean prank; I have no idea. But either way it pisses me off at a place where I don't need more stress.

Four Replies to How to Get on My Bad Side

Amy Austin | June 16, 2009
That's pretty shitty. ;-(

Aaron Shurtleff | June 16, 2009
I have done similar things to people that I have issues with (no sense being untruthful), but I nether have issues with you, Scott, nor would I even have that kind of information. It wasn't this Aaron, either. That is really crappy. I'm glad I outgrew such nonsense years ago.

Jackie Mason | June 18, 2009
[hidden by author request]

Justin Conner | August 23, 2009
I don't know what the intent of the e-mail intent was. Lap band is a serious risky, life-changing surgery. If socially inept good-intented, they probably didn't realize that the suggestion was like saying: "Hey, you have bad breath. Why don't you have all your teeth pulled and get dentures."
Some people are mean, but the majority are just ignorant.

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