Such As It Is...
by Steve West on January 11, 2008

Best stuff I found this midweek.
Funny homeless signs here and here.
Music Roamer is an imaginative site that creates links to artists, similar artists, albums and other stuff.
Hilarious captioned photos from Olan Mills.
Star Wars Guide to the Candidates.
Biggest single screen TV I've ever seen.
Beer guzzling quotes.
Video of the midweek: Annoying Devil compilation.
Three Replies to Such As It Is...
Amy Austin | January 11, 2008
best Chinese menu *ever* (I think I ought to post this one as a stand-alone, actually... it probably deserves it!)
Steve West | January 11, 2008
God, I read that menu some time ago and forgot about it. Just re-read it and laughed just as hard as back then.
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Amy Austin | January 11, 2008
From the same site as the Olan Mills collection...
best of
the best laugh is in the comments