...it would be similar to this promo for The Crime Channel featuring Gali the Alligator. The lyrics are a little hard to understand so I've attempted to transcribe them here.

Gali the Alligator

Here comes Gali the Alligator
He’s a puppet decimator
Little birdies chewed to death
You can smell blood on his breath

Cuddly bunnies live in fear
And he’ll pull off their fluffy ears
Better stay off of his path
You want to escape his wrath

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

East Meets West

So, good friends of ours, Lauren's godparents, invited our family to join them for a birthday dinner at a local Japanese steakhouse, Sakura. I've always wanted to go to one of these but until last night never had the opportunity. The girls are finicky eaters so prospects looked pretty slim. Go »

Halloween Post #7: Scary Movies

Movie moments are still stuck in my head from films I saw 30 years ago, moments that scared the crap out of me then and still run chills down my spine today. This web page has collected 100 of these scary film moments and tried to supply a Youtube clip for each one (not successful) and some interesting commentary. This site might hold you until Halloween. Go »

I'm Like Evander Holyfield Except With Two Entire Ears

Recent conversation with Brenda. Brenda: My aunt just had a birthday. She's 94. Go »

End Of The Year Post 2007

Some of the most interesting Year In Perspective lists I found. Top Ten News Stories. Top 5 Fails. Go »

Rock Block Parallel #1: Animal Farm

Starting a theme parallel. Best new Barbie since "I'm Breaking Our Date" Ken - Hitchcock Barbie. Happy moments captured. Go »

Out of the Closet and into the Stratosphere

So Tom Cruise wants to go into outer space and meet aliens. I think I can scrounge together a few bucks for a one-way ticket. Any other takers? Go »