Recent conversation with Brenda.

Brenda: My aunt just had a birthday. She's 94.

me: What's her name, Aunt Tique?

Brenda: No, Aunt Sybil. And don't let her hear you call her that. She's pretty feisty.

me: I think I could take her. Maybe when she's napping.

Brenda: She claims that she boxed when she was younger. Beat a few boys up 'cause they were afraid to hit a girl.

me: I'd box her. I'm not afraid to hit an old lady. My prediction: Early Knockout.

Brenda: You or her?

me: Her. I'll hit her in the locker room with a pipe.

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Halloween 2015

A pretty fun time again this year. My brother and his wife hosted a costume party and because Cheryl is a breast cancer survivor, she requested that each costume contain a touch of pink. I carried around a baguette and sang I Want to Rock 'n' Roll All Night in French (Je veux du rock 'n roll tour le soir, et jeter tour la jour). Go »

Shaken And Stirred Too For Good Measure

Semi-bizarre gallery devoted to people shaking their faces, having any loose skin flop around, and photographing the results. Go »

I Know His Name Was Bob (Thanks, Amy)

Prom pictures that are (to be blunt) not good. I think I come closest to number 3. Number 9 is definitely my parents. Go »

Good News, Bad News, Good News...

Good News: Brenda got a job. Bad News: The pay sucks! Good News: Potential new career track. Go »

The Cause And The Cure For The Munchies

So, you're an executive pothead sitting around the confernce room table with all the stoner VP's. The discussion centers on marketing a product that, while overtly illegal, has such an upside in monopolizing the market and growth potential. And whose turn is it to change the bong water, anyway? Go »

Blue is the Hue

We (Brenda, Lauren and me) just returned from the Kennedy Center where we saw the Blue Man Group. This was Lauren's birthday gift - her birthday was in May and that's when we ordered tickets, but the show wasn't until today. It was worth every cent, and I envy Scott who lives semi-close to their permanent theater in Orlando. Go »