I'm Like Evander Holyfield Except With Two Entire Ears
by Steve West on March 13, 2013

Recent conversation with Brenda.
Brenda: My aunt just had a birthday. She's 94.
me: What's her name, Aunt Tique?
Brenda: No, Aunt Sybil. And don't let her hear you call her that. She's pretty feisty.
me: I think I could take her. Maybe when she's napping.
Brenda: She claims that she boxed when she was younger. Beat a few boys up 'cause they were afraid to hit a girl.
me: I'd box her. I'm not afraid to hit an old lady. My prediction: Early Knockout.
Brenda: You or her?
me: Her. I'll hit her in the locker room with a pipe.
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Even Action Jeans Can't Help These Guys
Kung Fu movie auditions of martial art knuckleheads. The face falling guy with the nunchakus remains my favorite but the first guy is a close second. He knocks over a dummy that's not moving and in his own mind is a karate champion. Go »
Shaken And Stirred Too For Good Measure
Semi-bizarre gallery devoted to people shaking their faces, having any loose skin flop around, and photographing the results. Go »
The Naked Samaritan
Recent conversation with Brenda: Brenda: Did I ever tell you I posed nude for an art class? Me: Really?! (after recovering from shock) I had a college friend who posed for some extra money. Go »
Christmas Post #15: Christmas Kitsch
The folks at Ship of Fools annually compile their own gift list of what they term "The Twelve Days of Kitschmas". Good to see they also found huggable urns. Special Bonus 13th Day gift! Go »
And A Super Thank You To You
"I can fly!" "I can burn things up just by looking at them!" "I can change the density of my body from the heaviest metal to the most ephmeral gas!" Go »