It's Still Rock and Roll To Me
by Steve West on March 7, 2012

Recent conversation with Brenda:
me: I heard a song on the radio on the ride home today and found myself returning to the 70's.
Brenda: Like you ever left.
me: Be that as it may, I was bobbing my head to Journey's Lovin, Touchin', Squeezin'.
Brenda: And that's bad because...
me: Perhaps you didn't hear me - It was Journey! I'm a little upset about it. I may have to kick my own ass.
Brenda: I like Journey. My friends like Journey.
me: That's exactly my point. You and your friends view .38 Special, Air Supply, and Bad Company as if those guys rock.
Brenda: Air Supply doesn't rock but Bad Company was badass.
me: That's why you're not allowed to choose the radio station in the car.
Two Replies to It's Still Rock and Roll To Me
Scott Hardie | March 7, 2012
isnt jurney like, the band from that one song on glee? lol
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Scott Hardie | March 7, 2012
like whatever, idk who those guys are but they def didnt rock