It's Still Rock and Roll To Me
by Steve West on March 7, 2012
Recent conversation with Brenda:
me: I heard a song on the radio on the ride home today and found myself returning to the 70's.
Brenda: Like you ever left.
me: Be that as it may, I was bobbing my head to Journey's Lovin, Touchin', Squeezin'.
Brenda: And that's bad because...
me: Perhaps you didn't hear me - It was Journey! I'm a little upset about it. I may have to kick my own ass.
Brenda: I like Journey. My friends like Journey.
me: That's exactly my point. You and your friends view .38 Special, Air Supply, and Bad Company as if those guys rock.
Brenda: Air Supply doesn't rock but Bad Company was badass.
me: That's why you're not allowed to choose the radio station in the car.
Two Replies to It's Still Rock and Roll To Me
Scott Hardie | March 7, 2012
isnt jurney like, the band from that one song on glee? lol
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »
Scott Hardie | March 7, 2012
like whatever, idk who those guys are but they def didnt rock