problems within problems
by Tony Peters on February 19, 2009

I read Daily Beast for mush of my news because I like the tone and because there aren't many conservatives left who don't deal exclusively in hate (Hannity Rush etc) I actually used to consider myself a conservative but I can't reconcile their embrace of ignorance nor their dismissal of a changing word. Anyway Meghan McCain wrote an interesting piece on the old guard's disregard for the internet
Six Replies to problems within problems
Tony Peters | February 20, 2009
the thing that bothers me most about the GOP is how far it has shifted in the last 20 years they aren't the party I grew up in nor are they a party I share much with anymore. But the biggest problem I have with them is that they aren't a party that seems to care about the country anymore
Scott Hardie | February 20, 2009
Today Michael Steele said, "I don't do 'cutting-edge.' That's what Democrats are doing. We're going beyond cutting-edge." I would say that the party also has a problem with irony.
Jackie Mason | February 26, 2009
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Tony Peters | February 26, 2009
Jindal really sounded Childish to me but beyond that I pretty much write off someone who embraces Intelligent Design but especially when they have a Biology degree from Brown for pre-med. You have to wonder what coming out of his mouth he honestly believes in and what he is saying only for political gain. Yes I know all politicians are FOS but he presents the his lack of character and believability so openly
Jackie Mason | March 2, 2009
[hidden by author request]
The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

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Scott Hardie | February 20, 2009
It's a shame that she'll get brushed off for merely being McCain's daughter and not a person of influence. Everything she says about this is right.