My uncle died last wasn't unexpected, 3rd bout with cancer, but it hurt none the less. I've been out of the country for about 16 years so the fact that I am stateside means I needed to go. Of course ERNESTO made everything annoying. Flight down was bumpy but otherwise easy (thank you SouthWest) arriving to find out that my flight home has been canceled just meant that life would stay interesting. I don't think I have ever been to a place that was worse for huricanes/typhoons than south Fl, below sealevel, canals everywhere, surrounded by the everglades, flat terrain, tile roofs. I see why they panic when a storm goes boo. At least we had a nice hotel right on the glades with golfcourse surrounding us (not that I play but golf cart paths are good for skateboarding and I brought a board as usual). It did rain but not much. The service was emotional and I connected with family not seen in 20-25 years. My uncle would have laughed at the stress about the non storm. The post service party was great...lots of people celebrating his life...I think the Irish have it right (and I'm part irish) life and death are a good reason to party especially with family.

Three Replies to life death and family

Scott Hardie | September 2, 2006
Sounds like a good trip for a poor occasion. My condolences, Tony, and I agree with you that the Irish have it right.

Jackie Mason | September 4, 2006
[hidden by author request]

Tony Peters | September 4, 2006
Thanks folks, I have always looked at what happens in life as education and experiance... skateboarding along the edge of the Everglades was cool; watching the huricane approach over the glades was almost like being at sea, only without the crappy food.


The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »


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