good afternoon/evening folks something happened on the way to work this morning, I touched my brakes and either my tires were cold or I hit some sand, the next thing I knew I was on the ground with my bike on top of me. The end result is I broke my right ankle. It's swollen a bit today and likely needs surgery I have an ortho appointment on monday and hopefully surgery on tuesday. Right now I'm flying on Rush Limbaugh's favorite Oxycodone...I spent the morning on 20mg of Morphine (talk about a high, I understand what addicts feel like now though I never want to feel that first rush again). My bike came out of this with nothing more than a broken rear brake lever peg. Not that I will be riding it anytime soon, looks like new years at a minimum before I can walk again. I can honestly say that I have never felt anything like the pain I felt before they gave me the Morphine. I have been drifting in and out of conscience all day

Six Replies to Pain on a whole new level

Steve West | September 17, 2008
Dude, I'm happy to say I don't feel your pain. Literally. But I'm really sympathetic about your ordeal. This might be something that lingers for a while even after your recovery. But push these negative thoughts aside and do what your doctors say! Speedy recovery pal!

Lori Lancaster | September 18, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | September 18, 2008
Good luck, Tony, and get well soon. I hope we can give you some levity during your recovery these next few months.

Aaron Shurtleff | September 18, 2008
When I first read this, I was thinking "Was his bike on top of his car? How did he end up out of his car and how did the bike end up on top of him??" Duh.

Sorry to hear about the accident. :( Try to keep of the ankle, and follow the doctor's recommendations, ok? My co-worker hurt his neck in July, and he keeps trying to do stuff he shouldn't, and he ends up back in pain again. Learn from him, and let the healing process take place! :) Sending the good thoughts your way!

Tony Peters | September 18, 2008
Wow drugs do befuddle the mind...I really just want to get the surgery done and get on the road to recovery...the wait is an annoying limbo.

Yes Lori, I always wear full gear Helmet, jacket gloves and motorcycle boots. My boots were responsible for keeping the break a simple fracture instead of a compound fracture

As for my recovery, I went through a really bad ankle sprain (the other side) 22 years ago and know exactly what to do and what not to. I will religious about my physical therapy...right now I just have the wait

Jackie Mason | September 20, 2008
[hidden by author request]


The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

starwars up close

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Over Programed

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Under water and leeching

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A good day in the studio

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Last day skateboarding of 2007

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sure ain't kansas

well I've had my MAC for almost a month now and I'm pretty much converted I received my Education edition of Photoshop last week and it didn't take me a day to realized that CS3 is drastically different that CS2...Time to start learning again (not that that is a bad thing)...Thankfully it comes with video workshop I'm about half way through it, funny thing It's kindled an enjoyment to learn again...I Go »