I know I already put the pictures on Facebook but I have such an infatuation with this coat that I need to post about it a bit :P.

Here is the real dude in the real coat:

click image to zoom

Here is Darrell in our coat we just bought:

click image to zoom

Here's me in the coat:

click image to zoom

Here I am in the coat again (brighter shot):

click image to zoom

Anyhow, generally when you find pictures of this guy he has on the suspenders and no vest. He does wear a vest sometimes though! Pretty much the only place I found evidence of this is in this person's collection of Livejournal icons. Suffice to say this person must be a bit more obsessed than me.

I guess the vest and pocket watch is a bit of a sissier look than the suspenders. Maybe the suspenders would look more authentic. We are both kind of too skinny to look badass anyway though. I couldn't find suspenders at the thrift store so I got the vest to hide the fact that I don't have suspenders. It is not a real pocket watch, I just have a dog leash wrapped around my waist under the vest and hanging into the pocket :P.

Too bad Darrell's older brother Jorden does not live around here since he wears suspenders and a pocket watch on a regular basis and could probably let us borrow them :P. We bought Jorden some Torchwood DVDs for his birthday but due to an address mishap, it is probably lost in the mail... annoying... we were excited to see what he had to say about it. Hopefully he won't get weirded out that this character who dresses a bit like him is mostly gay :).

Regarding the coat, ours kind of looks too blue, but I know I have seen Jack in a blue looking one before. It may be partly the lighting. Ours is not big and heavy and long enough either (though it is way too heavy to wear in this weather for long enough to take a picture!). Oh well. I still like it even if it is a pale imitation of the real thing.

I realize our camera is far, far, too cheap and these pictures look terrible. Oh well. Hopefully you can get a vague idea of what our coat looks like.

Two Replies to More about the coat obsession

Scott Hardie | September 12, 2009
Love the coat. Good look for both of you. :-)

Jackie Mason | September 12, 2009
[hidden by author request]

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