"I had to chaperone the prom at the high school where I worked. Most of the kids at that school are Hispanic, so they got to choose the music. You'd think they'd want to listen to hip hop or techno or something cool. But no. They wanted to listen to polka. Apparently it's easy to dance to. So I attended a high school prom with a bunch of Hispanic teenagers dancing to polka."

"Damn foreigners! Think they can come to our country and steal our white culture! If you come to the United States, you better continue to speak your own language, and keep your own way of life!"

Three Replies to Música de la polca

Scott Hardie | May 21, 2008
Thank you, Kelly, for the story.

Lori Lancaster | May 21, 2008
[hidden by author request]

Kelly Lee | May 24, 2008
well it isn't polka..it just sounds an awful lot like polka.

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