Our dog is smart
by Denise Sawicki on November 15, 2007

Our sheltie, Philip, is really smart. Here is his latest Oscar-worthy film, where he shows off his ability to mimic Darrell doing the following actions: turn a circle, stretch, sneeze, lie down, roll over (partway), hop, and speak:
Philip also knows how to read a few words, kind of, though I think he gets bored with it :-). Currently he's in school for agility, which entails learning how to run around a course jumping hurdles and using tunnels and seesaws in a prescribed manner. He's doing really well at that, too.
Four Replies to Our dog is smart
Amy Austin | November 16, 2007
Way cute.
Scott Hardie | November 16, 2007
My cat will only perform a trick if I shake the bag of treats, and that trick is to run up and stare at me. I am jealous.
Matthew Preston | November 16, 2007
Neat! There are some humans I know that can't mimic that well.
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