I guess the saga of me and numberonemusic.com is not over yet. They went and charged my credit card for another $59.95 without my permission. I didn't think this should even be possible, since I never provided them with my credit card's new expiration date. Their website has no way to call them and no link to cancel a membership. They claim I still have 66 days remaining in my paid membership (which by the way was a worthless scam in the first place) so why would they need to charge me for another year's membership now, anyhow, even if I had consented to it? They do not answer e-mails. Their billing company has a link to inform them if I have been billed for something I did not order, but the link is conveniently broken. I just called the billing company to get them to cancel the charges, and they said they will, but I'll believe that when I see it! That would simply be too easy. It's not going to happen. Anyway if the charges don't disappear in a couple of days I guess I need to call my credit card company and hassle them. I friggin hate being forced to behave like an asshole. I guess I am "forced" into that state rather too easily so maybe that is just my natural state. I really don't like myself much.

I wish someone other than me would just genuinely like Darrell's music so I wouldn't have to pay some crooked company to generate imaginary listeners to make him feel appreciated.

Well in other news, we managed to procure a few things for free lately... Darrell is a total pop addict so we got some stuff from mycokerewards.com... If only we'd signed Darrin up a little earlier we could have gotten more free stuff than we did. Plus Pepsi had some mail-in rebate thing where you get $10 back on 10 2-liters, if they find all our UPCs to be in order we will eventually have gotten those 2-liters for free... never mind that earning $10 for cutting out all those UPCs is not necessarily as much as I get paid per hour at my real job, it gives me a sense of accomplishment anyhow... Then we combined a whole bunch of specials at our local grocery store to get a bunch of food for cheap... What can I say, we will be eating Totino's pizza and/or Suddenly Salad for a while. Not to mention *lots* of cereal and *lots* of milk... It makes life more interesting, I guess, when we base our food purchases on whatever random stuff is on special that week.

This post has *not* been a paid advertisement for any particular food product...

Four Replies to People charging me money for nothing...

Jackie Mason | June 19, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | June 19, 2007
Denise, I understand. I've let companies take advantage of me before and had to turn mean against my inclination in order to get resolution. But in the end it's worth it, because the only way to stop them is to stand up to them, and because you do feel better about yourself when you're victorious. Maybe Steve Dunn would be better qualified to say, but I suggest finding an inexpensive attorney to draft a letter demanding the return of your money. They'll see the law firm letterhead and give it back immediately. It will cost you the $60 just to do this, but it's worth the satisfaction. Good luck.

I really like cereal and I wish I could eat it all the time (there are five boxes in my pantry now), but I just can't keep milk. It seems like I get one bowl out of the carton before it turns. :-\

Denise Sawicki | June 19, 2007
That's pretty odd, Scott, is your fridge cold enough?
Anyway they now have said the charge will disappear from my credit card in 7 to 10 days. I am just suspicious, perhaps needlessly. I actually don't think the billing company is crooked, but numberonemusic.com certainly is.

Kris Weberg | June 27, 2007
I'd also recommend sending a letter to the state's attorney. I'll wager that this shady outfit is bilking plenty of people besides you, and sending the letter might help prompt criminal proceedings and shut the scammers down.

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