Many thanks to Miah Poisson and Ines Sarante for throwing a great 30th birthday party for Miah this weekend. I don't play much Guitar Hero, but apparently I play enough to win a tournament against Miah's GH-obsessed coworkers, or maybe it's just because the game is ridiculously handicapped against experts. I'm just happy because I won a pimp stein:

We ate lots of great food, had fun with karaoke, and talked until the hour was late. And I found out something cool that's going to benefit this site immensely, but you're going to have to wait to find out what it is. Anyway, happy birthday, Miah, and thanks for the great time.

Three Replies to PIMP

Aaron Shurtleff | November 6, 2007
That's cool! Tell Miah I said Happy Birthday, could ya, Scott? Assuming (as I am in my arrogant little mind) that he remembers who I am,. :)

Jackie Mason | November 7, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Scott Hardie | November 7, 2007
I'd love for them to be connected somehow, but no, it's a video game.

Logical Operator

The creator of Funeratic, Scott Hardie, blogs about running this site, losing weight, and other passions including his wife Kelly, his friends, movies, gaming, and Florida. Read more »

Appetite for Destruction

My name is Scott, and I'm an addict. I'm not an alcoholic. I almost never drink alcoholic beverages. Go »


Saving up is hard to do. I'm spending every dollar I have after the holidays to move Kelly here next week, then we have to move again in two months to a larger place. And I have more than a grand to pay in taxes. Go »

In Bed

"You are very generous, and always think of the other fellow." Go »

Manly Pastimes

"So what did you do this weekend?" "I went drag racing." "Really? Go »

Gothic Conclusion

Gothic Earth was played for the last time on April 14, finally completing a long campaign that I was worried at times would wind up abandoned before we could finish it. You can read the entire storyline now. I'll leave the website online through August 31. Go »


A friend (new GOO devotee Aaron Weiss) once said he had read about a psychological study that found people don't feel like they've had a weekend if they didn't have free time on Friday night. That was my experience this weekend: At the office till eight, then sitting down with pizza and a DVD only to nod off on the couch by nine thirty. I may have woken up refreshed on Saturday morning, but there was this crushing feeling that the weekend was almost over, that sort of numbing dread you feel every Sunday night an hour before bed. Go »