It's refreshing to reflect that the human race survived the sexually repressive Victorian Era. That women actually overcame their culturally reinforced suppression of sexual urges and ultimately spread their legs for something other than yeast related trail-blazing. Let's relive those glory days with the Victorian Sex Cry Generator and see where Fern Michaels gets her inspiration.

Three Replies to Placing Lust's Arrow In Cupid's Quiver

Anna Gregoline | September 6, 2007
That women actually overcame their culturally reinforced suppression of sexual urges and ultimately spread their legs for something other than yeast related trail-blazing.

Culturally RE-enforced? That's ENTIRELY culturally enforced. Don't know what you mean exactly with the other part of the sentence either - in all, this was the most puzzling sentence I've read all week.

Steve West | September 6, 2007
It was a joke based on a National Lampoon parody I read years and years ago about sexual repression. Had a funny ring to it but not necessarily relevant to the Victorian website. Wish I could link to that article in magazine but NL's website does not have an extensive archive of their publications of old.

Amy Austin | September 7, 2007
I have to confess feeling oddly like Anna on this one... but...Oh! such rare and exquisite provocatives, You must not think to hide your treasures from my gaze - my sight must be feasted, as well as my touch These fleshly orbs (my cheeks -- what are you thinking?!) shake with undisguised pleasure! You have caused me to suffer a pleasure that transports me to the land I knew not but dreamed of unawares!

Okay, I exaggerate... it was amusing.

The best? Giving new meaning to "...showing her my 'O' face":

Oh, c'est fou! oh, oh
Oh! Oh, it is too much, I am going... O!!
O! O! O, I am dying.

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