Without going into great detail, my co-workers are muddle-brained knuckleheads that make the Keystone Kops look like a Mensa meeting. Federal sanctions are not that far-fetched. Changes will be made soon.

My new boss looked at me and my sunburn and asked if I had gone to the beach. I explained that I got it at Hershey Park and she acted surprised. "You got burned at an amusement park?" Lady, I get burned just getting my morning paper.

Where's my coffee and Advil? Ahhh, skip the coffee and make that Vicodin.

Two Replies to Post-vacation Blues

Amy Austin | August 20, 2008
Everybody knows there's no sun at an amusement park, Steve... geez, you liarhead!

Steve West | August 20, 2008
You're probably right. I did forget to put on my ski mask when I got the paper that morning...

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