Without going into great detail, my co-workers are muddle-brained knuckleheads that make the Keystone Kops look like a Mensa meeting. Federal sanctions are not that far-fetched. Changes will be made soon.

My new boss looked at me and my sunburn and asked if I had gone to the beach. I explained that I got it at Hershey Park and she acted surprised. "You got burned at an amusement park?" Lady, I get burned just getting my morning paper.

Where's my coffee and Advil? Ahhh, skip the coffee and make that Vicodin.

Two Replies to Post-vacation Blues

Amy Austin | August 20, 2008
Everybody knows there's no sun at an amusement park, Steve... geez, you liarhead!

Steve West | August 20, 2008
You're probably right. I did forget to put on my ski mask when I got the paper that morning...

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Halloween Is For The Dogs

Last year for Halloween, I took all of Lauren's stuffed dogs and sewed their mouths to parts of my shirt and pants (with fake bleeding cuts on my arms and face) and went as an attack dog trainer. This year, I need to adopt or at least rent a dog so I can dress it like this for Halloween. Holy Kibbles & Bits Or this... Go »

The Naked Samaritan

Recent conversation with Brenda: Brenda: Did I ever tell you I posed nude for an art class? Me: Really?! (after recovering from shock) I had a college friend who posed for some extra money. Go »


Brenda and I went to closing for our new house today. Everything went smoothly and an hour and a half later I left with the keys in my pocket. We're moving this weekend so I'll be a little scarce here. Go »

Housebuying Stuff

I'm too tired to come up with a more clever title. New carpet installed. New bathtub and shower installed. Go »

Woman Attacks Karaoke Singer

A woman attacked a karaoke singer while he was singing Coldplay. A similar thing happened to me once. I was pretty drunk and I started a fight with some guy singing Dave Matthews. Go »

Where's The Winch?

We took the girls sailing today. Unlike last year, Olivia did not throw a winch handle overboard because of our diligence in preventing it. The sailing is still free because of the heart of the owner who offers this once a month during the summer. Go »