There's a serious traffic jam on the 495 Washington beltway that I happen to be stuck in. It's worse than stop & go, stop & go - it's more like stooooooop & go, stoooooooooooop & go. Trying to stay awake, my mind is wandering, giving me images and sounds.
*If I were to open a furniture store, I would call it the Sit Shack. Or maybe a DIY surgery shop called Suture Self.
*Brenda's music teacher friend told her she's fond of tongue twisters which she uses as lip looseners for her trumpet players. It seems to me the opposite would happen. Lip lock. But I offered her 'How many Lowe's could Rob Lowe rob if Rob Lowe could rob Lowe's.' She was only mildly amused.
*Try not to be selfish this Hallowen. Vampires suck your blood for the vitamin C it contains because they can't go out in the sun. Did you ever think about that? No. Because all you think about is yourself. - That'll probably find its way to Facebook.

Oooooo... traffic is moving 10 mph, now! Gotta go.

One Reply to Random Thoughts While Stuck in Traffic

Scott Hardie | October 30, 2021
Kelly collects puns for her future businesses. She wants to open a rug shop called La Brea Carpets, a storage facility called The Best Little Warehouse in Texas, and a transportation service called No Prob Limo.

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