Except for the Dave Clark Five, this year's crop of Rock-n-Roll Hall of Fame nominees are lacking something: rock-n-roll credibility. I, myself, don't feel as strongly as the sentiments expressed in this article. I'm okay with John Mellencamp being on the ballot - just wouldn't vote for him before Kiss. And that Beastie Boys nomination is bugging the crap out of me.

Four Replies to Hall Of Fame Ballot Contains No Rockers Or Rollers

Amy Austin | October 2, 2007
Legitimate complaints, all...

Scott Hardie | October 2, 2007
Early Beastie Boys had a foot in rock music before they went all-rap. Running RB, I'm conscious that if I include them, it will seem like I'm comfortable including the white kids of rap but not other rap stars, when in fact it's the rock in their early work that counts. :-\

Whatever respect I had for the nominating process was lost by the Dave Clark Five incident last year. Let 'em include whoever they want. I'll still appreciate the museum in Cleveland.

Steve West | October 2, 2007
Beastie Boys!!! Noooooooo! Nooooooooo! No! No! Noooooooooooooo!!!! Ahem. You may now return to your regular programming.

Scott Hardie | October 3, 2007
I think I just found a card that Steve would swap for Dead Kennedys.

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