Reflections on Goo Con
by Jackie Mason on October 29, 2009

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Ten Replies to Reflections on Goo Con
Aaron Shurtleff | October 29, 2009
That last comment should either up the number of people who attend next year, or we'll be down to just me and the people who like to laugh at cross dressing men. *coughamycough*
Amy Austin | October 29, 2009
I've no idea what you're talking about.
(My underwear would be *so* much more fun if I were a dude.)
Case in point:
But... I'd settle for putting on a dress and heels with Jackie any day. ;-) (Like I said already... I *only* brought it because of you -- after you talked about your packing -- you do know that, right??? The purplish gray skirt that I also brought is the only other skirted item I have worn, a handful of times, this ENTIRE year -- I bought it in June. That was the first wearing of the dress, as you saw by the tags still attached to it.)
Aaron Shurtleff | October 29, 2009
Men's underwear is made to be functional. That just how it is.
Women's underwear is made to be fashionable (but I sometimes suspect not comfortable). Seriously, y'all get the poop end of the stick.
Except the banana hammock. That is not very functional or comfortable. *shudder*
And don't try to trick me into conversations about cross dressing! I'm not the self-proclaimed "tranny" around these parts!!
Amy Austin | October 29, 2009
Oh, I only wish I were a tranny. Those girls have the most fun.
I'm not saying that I would want to wear men's underwear (not that I haven't), mind you... I'm only saying that it would be more fun to wear women's underwear if I were a man. I don't see why you guys aren't playing dress-up all the time! After all... some men fantasize about having one huge boob. I don't know why... only that they do. *shrug*
Oh, and one function of a banana hammock: no farmer's tanlines. ;-p
Lori Lancaster | October 29, 2009
[hidden by author request]
Aaron Shurtleff | October 29, 2009
I don't think the banana hammock would improve my ankle tan lines in any way, but I appreciate the effort. :P
Amy Austin | October 29, 2009
Always lookin' out for a friend.
Scott Hardie | October 29, 2009
Jackie, thanks for your kind comments! I'm glad you had a great time. I already said some things in email, but let me add to them how much I appreciate your willingness to be up for anything, and how much more fun you add to everything. This was a guy-oriented weekend in terms of the spirit of the events, so I'll see if next year can strike more of a balance.
Amy Austin | October 29, 2009
1) Yay, new pic!
2) Jeez... Matt and Kelly better not go writing any synopses on me -- I SAID IT WAS GREAT!!!
Aaron Shurtleff | October 29, 2009
Two corrections/comments:
The leaving a medal thing? Don't know what you're talking about. :P
Kind and generous? Sure, I'm kind of a dick and generous with the sarcasm. That's what you meant, right? :)
P.S. --> Next year, I'll bring a dress and heels, and we'll make a party out of it! :D