I don't have cable (well - I do, but we haven't really set it up) so I watch this on Hulu now, though I used to DVR it in another life.


A heartwarming and emotional story about a unique set of triplets, their struggles and their wonderful parents.

Here is an episode guide on Wikipedia.

This show was always set to only have six seasons. And from what I have read they have already filmed the kids in the series finale because you know, kids grow.

This is a very emotional show. For the first three years or so, I legit cried at the end of every episode. Some out of sadness, some out of happiness, but it happened. Not so much over the last couple of years, though. But it still packs a punch.

Jack and Rebecca are pregnant with triplets, but one does not survive the birth (yes, a mild spoiler) and circumstances bring them a replacement of sorts due to an abandoned Black baby at a firehouse. So now we have the Big 3: Kevin, Kate, and Randall.

The show jumps back and forth in time with a few flash-forwards, telling the story of The Pearsons and what has happened to them throughout their lives.

Three Replies to This is Us | NBC | Season 6

Evie Totty | January 6, 2022
This is Us | NBC | Season 6 | Episode 1: The Challenger

At the start of the sixth (and final) season premiere, it is, of course, the Big Three's birthday. (Every season begins on their birthday).

The flashback goes back to the Challenger explosion in 1986 when they were in elementary school. And they literally showed the incident in the show.

When we left at the end of season five - we saw Madison call off the wedding to Kevin and a flash-forward to Kate getting married to a guy she works for (who has so far, been a dick). And apparently, their Uncle Nicky also getting married (I read some updates today).

We see Kevin living in Madison's garage in order to stay close to his twins - he and Madison appear to be getting along just fine. He takes the kids to their birthday party (with Randall blowing out candles via Zoom). When he returns, he finds Madison watching TV with one of her book club people - a guy she clearly likes. They are watching a TV show that she and Kevin had been watching together and he alpha males the guy right out of the house. Once this happens, he realizes he needs to move out of the garage.

Earlier in the day, he was offered a part in a reboot of "The Manny" - the fictional show he was on at the beginning of season one that he famously left live on air. Instead of the barechested male nanny he had played before, this would be the part of the father. He tells the guy "over my dead body". However, while talking to Kate in her guest room before going to bed, he changes his mind. This will allow him to stay close to his children instead of traveling wherever for movie roles.

Rebecca was telling a story about how her father would take her on the train from time to time as a little girl and could not remember the name of the last car - caboose. This bothers her all day. She replays her time with her father on the train and with her kids while reading "The Little Red Caboose" ... but she could not "hear" her father nor herself say the word, nor see the title of the book from her memories. She finally shouts during the birthday party "the red car, dammit!" out of the blue - prompting Kate to ask her if she was ok.

As a result, she reluctantly tells them that she has indeed been diagnosed with Alzheimer's - she had wanted to wait until the birthday was over. As viewers, we already knew this was going to happen - we just didn't know when.

[Note: this is taking way too long, I don't think I'll give as much detail going forward but rather link to articles and just give comments]

Randall: deals with the arraignment of the man who broke into his house. We are reminded of just how much of a bleeding heart he is. We also are reminded of just how much his marriage with Beth is crazy perfect.

Kate: Toby arranges for the kids to be out of the house, a massage, and a surprise visit for her birthday (he's working in San Francisco). Her students also surprise her with a rendition of True Colors. She cries and Phillip the Dick - who just broke up with his gorgeous girlfriend, telling her she bored him once she presses him for a reason why - notices.

Nicky: Keeps going on about Sally until Rebecca finally tells him they are going to go visit her the next day because he won't shut up about her and is giving her a "friggin headache".

The flashback: Rebecca voices her fears for the boys and it appears she was spot-on.

Of course, my biggest question is: what the hell happened between Kate and Toby? Does the distance finally just tear them apart? Does she simply fall in love with Phillip the Dick? Does Toby DIE?

Scott Hardie | January 7, 2022
I never got around to this despite its acclaim. It felt like maybe the last great network broadcast show as the streaming takeover neared completion. I'm not normally opposed to watching a tragedy -- I cried my way through all 331 episodes of ER -- but during the pandemic, I'm a lot less willing to watch something sad, because I know how little it takes to nudge me into depression right now. :-\ Maybe I'll still get around to this; I have no doubt how good it is.

Evie Totty | January 7, 2022
Well, it's not really a tragedy, unless you define dramas as tragedies.

I do appreciate your responding, even though you don't plan to watch :).

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