Raised by Wolves | HBOMax | Season 1 | 10 Episodes
by Evie Totty on January 4, 2022

I have been watching this off and on since 2020. It was very slow at first and for a long time, I completely forgot about it.
But I joined a club called Sci Fi Matters on Clubhouse and they also have a Discord for off-line chatting. A few members would mention it here and there, so I'd try again... and forget.
Most recently though, we were in a room talking about most anticipated sci fi stuff for 2022 and apparently, season two is premiering in Feb. so it was mentioned again.
Upon further comments on Discord, I was assured that it was a slow burn, but when it got you, it got you.
I believe I'm at that point now. I'm not done with the first season yet but I probably will be before the night is done.
Set in the future, a religious war has occurred on Earth between "true believers of Sol" and atheists. Advanced androids are present. The Earth has been so badly injured during the war, two androids - "Mother" and "Father" - have been sent to a distant planet with several human embryos tasked with incubating them upon arrival and saving the human race.
This is where we join the show. We learn of the war in flashbacks. At some point, a group of humans (true believers) also land on the planet and the series continues on from there to show us how they all adjust to life on the planet (the androids arrive about a decade before the humans) and each other.
I'll include more, spoiler-y information in the comments later - but I want to get back to the show.
Five Replies to Raised by Wolves | HBOMax | Season 1 | 10 Episodes
Evie Totty | January 5, 2022
While I can see aaalll of this happening (because how far will humans evolve? And their technology?)... I do have a problem with the flight through the core.
But only because of the extreme temperatures experienced and the length of time it would take to travel through it.
Otherwise - we'll see what happens in S2 in February.
Evie Totty | January 5, 2022
I will add that this was ten episodes and I'm pretty much leaving out ALL of the character development, which is significant and vety well done.
Scott Hardie | January 5, 2022
Another show that I haven't heard of and that I might watch now. The trailer is promising. Kelly is more into hard sci-fi than I am, so she is more likely to see it. I realize that you're not necessarily writing this as a recommendation, but I appreciate you bringing it to my attention all the same. :-)
Evie Totty | January 5, 2022
Well I kind of am writing it that way - so if you aren't watching, maybe now you will and we can chat, haha!
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Evie Totty | January 5, 2022
Ok yep, finished it and boy is it weird. It has an podcast to go with it that I'll listen to.
The planet already had inhabitants unbeknownst to the new visitors. These inhabitants are very advanced both technologically and physiologically.
However, the population seems to be nearly extinct at this species level.
Somehow they knew there would be an emigration to the planet by the androids and came up with a plan to produce an offspring with one of them.
One of their physiological advancements seems to be telepathy and they use the humans' religion against them by implanting thoughts and performing other 'miracles' in order to help their plan succeed.
They were even able to manipulate the female android ("Mother") by implanting false memories and one heck of a realistic holodeck so she believed her fetus was half human and half android.
When it was born, though - this was not the case. It was a flying serpent (she had the ability to fly, in addition to the fact that she was a weapon of mass destruction on Earth and we get to see just how that works in the first or second episode).
Fearing for the lives of her adopted human children, she attempts to destroy the creature by flying it into what seems to be a bottomless pit, accompanied by the other android (a male, "Father", who didn't have her special abilities).
Turns out, the pit went to the planet's core... and soon after out the other side. Once it reached the surface, Father grabbed Mother and abandoned ship and we later see the creature - who has gotten bigger - bust out at the crash site and fly away.
The last scene shows us the human most manipulated come across more humans who have just arrived to the planet and are apparently members of the atheist faction.