Remember back in fifth grade when you had to build that bridge, vague geometric shape, outhose, etc. out of toothpicks? The project so fragile if the bus to school took a turn at more than 2 mph, it would crumble to pieces. Reflect on those projects and prepare to be humbled. I thought the baseball field of green was a nice touch.

Two Replies to Toothpicks, They're Not Just For Club Sandwiches Anymore

Amy Austin | September 17, 2007
Was sufficiently impressed until I saw the guy in the first pic... and then, I said, "Holy Shit-bricks!" (thanks to Colon Blow)... wow.

Jackie Mason | September 17, 2007
[hidden by author request]

Web Junkie

Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes...

My wife has been bugging me lately about the amount of time I spend on the computer. She claims she's merely trying to restore my perspective. Fine. Go »

Happy Halloween

Back when I was about ten, I went trick or treating as a witch doctor. I got to a house that I didn't know who lived there and was greeted by a kindly looking old lady. When I routinely and without much enthusiaism stated, "Trick or treat," she responded by handing me a piece of religious literature. Go »

Stay-cation Week IV

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How Old Is Too Old For Santa Claus?

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Halloween Post #8: Geek-O'Lanterns

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Tale Of The Mediocre Football Fan

Last Thursday, Brenda and I went to the final preseason football game of the Washington Redskins. The game was less than meaningful (as is the nature of preseason football) because rarely do actual starters play in the final preseason game. But the tickets and parking were free (gift from a friend), and it gave Brenda and I an opportunity to have an evening for just the two of us, a rarity for most parents. Go »