Toothpicks, They're Not Just For Club Sandwiches Anymore
by Steve West on September 17, 2007

Remember back in fifth grade when you had to build that bridge, vague geometric shape, outhose, etc. out of toothpicks? The project so fragile if the bus to school took a turn at more than 2 mph, it would crumble to pieces. Reflect on those projects and prepare to be humbled. I thought the baseball field of green was a nice touch.
Two Replies to Toothpicks, They're Not Just For Club Sandwiches Anymore
Jackie Mason | September 17, 2007
[hidden by author request]
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Amy Austin | September 17, 2007
Was sufficiently impressed until I saw the guy in the first pic... and then, I said, "Holy Shit-bricks!" (thanks to Colon Blow)... wow.