Mariah and the Subtle Burn
by Steve West on December 26, 2021

Recent conversation with Brenda (after hearing All I Want for Christmas... again):
Me: Mariah Carey beginning with "I don't want a lot for Christmas..." and then revealing she wants "you" is kind of a burn,
Brenda: She could mean that she doesn't want a lot of other gifts and only wants her man friend.
Me: I know what she means, I was making a joke so don't overanalyze and ruin it.
Brenda: Don't ruin my song.
Two Replies to Mariah and the Subtle Burn
Steve West | December 26, 2021
That would probably work.
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Scott Hardie | December 26, 2021
Now that's a burn. Can I just use your profile photo as my yule log video this year? :-)