Outside of a chinese restaurant I had never encountered an Easter egg roll before. We managed to become the recipients of four tickets to this year's White House Easter Egg Roll. We were not there to witness the President's participation as we were in the last of three groups and he presented himself to the first. After a long (little over an hour and a half) shuffle through a roped cattle chute maze that ended at a series of metal detectors, we entered the grounds of the south lawn of the White House. There were many activities besides the egg roll. Costumed characters from PBS and a few other assorted animated characters such as Bugs Bunny and a Smurf roamed about. They were very kind to the small children. Volunteers whisked us about pointing out the various activities and we got some good photos with the White House as a backdrop. The highlight for me (aside from my children's delight) was seeing and listening to a concert by Ziggy Marley.

I'm glad I did this event once because it will be a once in a lifetime thing as I never want to do it again. It was way too exhausting to be worth a second time. Leaving my house at 12:30, on the train at 1:00, train ride plus walking to White House to arrive by 2:00, metal detector cattle chute and mob at entrance to gain access by 3:30, and it was over at 5:00. Each ticket was for a two hour stay and was done in three large groups. Our tickets allowed entry from 3:00 to 5:00. The weather cooperated for the most part as it finally let loose a cold rain right after we left. Cool but not cold for the most part. The kids had a great time and Brenda and I were able to see things vicariously through their eyes. And then there was Ziggy... Awesome.

Two Replies to What The Hell Is An Egg Roll Anyway?

Scott Hardie | April 15, 2009
As tiring as that must have been, it still sounds like a pretty fun day and something you can remind the kids of when they get older. I was little then, but I still remember our three-room tour of the Reagan White House when my father and a number of other government employees were invited for a holiday tour with their families. I've heard that civilians are no longer allowed inside the building at all for security reasons, which is sad if it's true.

Jackie Mason | April 16, 2009
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