Once again, I have to preface this by saying South Dakota snow stories are much more impressive, I'm sure. But here in DC it doesn't get much heavier than this. A couple of feet in a two day period left a lot of snow to be shovelled out of the way. Here's a picture of Lauren standing on top of about six feet of snow where her bus stop used to be. Schools are closed as are federal government offices. However, I have to go do banking work tomorrow. Money makes the world go round, you know.

I am sooooo sore. But, the Super Bowl is on, the kids are fed and safe, and I'm loving life.

Nine Replies to What Is This, Miami Beach?

Amy Austin | February 8, 2010
LOL... Wow, Steve!

Lori Lancaster | February 8, 2010
[hidden by author request]

Jackie Mason | February 10, 2010
[hidden by author request]

Steve West | February 11, 2010
Just got an additional two feet on top of that first go-round. Yeah, it's a lot of snow but people here (news media) are referring to it ridiculously as the snowpocalypse.

Aaron Shurtleff | February 15, 2010
Wow! That's awesome!! Wish there was snow down here!!!

*goes outside in shorts to eat ice cream*

Really miss the snow!! :D

Scott Hardie | February 15, 2010

Steve West | February 15, 2010
It's snowing again right now. I blame you.

Aaron Shurtleff | February 16, 2010
Hee hee! I will accept your blame!

Jackie Mason | February 19, 2010
[hidden by author request]

Web Junkie

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