Yes, I Would Like A Second Helping
by Steve West on February 7, 2008

Blasts from the past.
Really bad album covers.
Lame creatures from Star Trek.
Still own vinyl? Convert them to digital on your PC.
Some of these Star Wars figurines are amazingly familiar.
Old Picture of the Day.
Awesome fake bands.
Fairly gross movie mistakes.
Bad band names. I actually like Penguins With Shotguns.
Video of the week: Biff sings.
Web Junkie
Steve West scours the Web searching for interest or absurdity and then shakes his head ruefully when he finds it. Read more »

Such As It Is...
Best stuff I found this week. Cowbell Hero - since I've mastered Guitar Hero. Rock star mug shots. Go »
Just In Time For Voting
Although I'm partial to the Aaron v. Steve Dunn tête-à-têtes, it seems ironic that UOAS took the opportunity to push for a vote. Despicable. Go »
No Clowns On Halloween Allowed At My Door
Or "How Ronald McDonald Kicked My Ass" About ten years ago, shortly before Brenda and I got married, we attended a Halloween party at a friend's house. The primary reason to get together was obviously to dress up like we did when we were little but secondarily to get drunk as a sailor on shore leave. The standard "funny name" cocktails were offered like "sex on the beach" and "southern screw" and "raw sewage". Go »
Thanksgiving Memories
This year, as I stood with my nephew staring at the turkey carcass following its carving, I shared with him an anecdote about Thanksgiving when I was his age. I grew up in a fairly poor household but we always had turkey for the holiday. But it was a bit of an extravagance for us so my mother was committed to getting everything the bird had to offer. Go »
Sarcasm Is Not For Everyone
Today, my boss’ boss asked me for an update on our current IT project. I called that department and while musing why she didn’t just call them herself, got the requested update. It wasn’t good. Go »