I just returned from an hour long wait at BestBuy to get a laptop we bought last week. I was there to retrieve it after the data transfer was completed by their Geek Squad. I stood in line watching four staff running around in circles helping one customer while me and six others in line watched stupefied. I just want to pick up my computer! You don't need four people to tell some sap that his computer is broken when his primary complaint was that it wouldn't turn on.

Einstein once attended some honorary function in which several diplomats were giving long, laudatory speeches about some Scandinavian ambassador or something. In the middle of one such speech he turned to his tablemate and said, "I've just discovered a new theory of eternity." You and me both, brother.

One Reply to You and Me, Albert

Scott Hardie | November 17, 2012
Oops, apparently my Dashboard subscriptions got erased and I missed this. Every visit to Best Buy seems to involve long lines, whether you're at customer service or just checking out. The one near us has converted to a single checkout line serviced by four cashiers, which speeds things along a little better, and the queueing area is stuffed with some optimistic Best Buy manager's idea of good impulse buys.

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