publication date: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 (part of Summer 2013)

category: Television

clue: Playing Gob's blame-y wife on Arrested Development was just another meta-joke, but their real-life separation is not funny.

explanation: Poehler was married to Will Arnett and played his wife on the series. more…

solved by: Russ Wilhelm, Steve West, LaVonne Lemler, Samir Mehta, Chris Lemler, Richard Slominsky, Justin Woods, Matthew Preston, Denise Sawicki, Joanna Woods, Mike Rothstein, and Wes Bryant

Bluth Family Reunion: You've made a huge mistake if you think this one's a freebie. To celebrate the return of Arrested Development, here are five famous members of the cast's extended family. If you don't understand the theme, you won't respond to it.

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