James Hetfield
publication date: Monday, September 28, 1998 (part of Round II)
category: Music
clue: I didn't think fields could get whiplash. Off to never-never land...
explanation: James Hetfield was the rhythm guitarist and singer for Metallica. "Whiplash" was one of the most popular songs from the early part of Metallica's career, and "off to never-never land" is part of the chorus to "Enter Sandman," one of the most popular songs from later in their career. The word "fields" in the clue is a play on Hetfield's last name. more…
solved by: Matthew Preston, Lori Lancaster, Aaron Fischer, Kelly Lee, Jason Peter Fedorow, and Erik Nelson
player landmarks: This was the first goo solved by Aaron Fischer.
trivia: This image was taken from very early in Metallica's career, while Hetfield still had long hair but before he grew any facial hair.
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