publication date: Monday, September 13, 2004 (part of Round XXIII)

category: Television

clue: You'll have to play longer than he did to win a million in the goo game. Be sure to answer in the form of a question!

explanation: Jennings made "Jeopardy!" history by being the first player to earn a million dollars in a months-long winning streak (and he went on to considerable further success in the game beyond that milestone). The phrase "be sure to answer in the form a question" is a hint as to the game show that made Jennings famous. more…

solved by: Steve West, Denise Sawicki, Matthew Preston, Erik Bates, Steve Dunn, Mike Eberhart, David Mitzman, Elliot Farney, Scott Horowitz, Megan Baxter, Lori Lancaster, Aaron Fischer, Mihai Rusu, Jackie Mason, Todd Brotsch, Christine Marie Doiron, Anna Gregoline, Nadine Russell, Anthony Lewis, Phyllis Joy, Brad Htnck, Angela Lathem-Ballard, Brandie Harrison, Elizabeth Chesher, Melissa Erin, and Christa Bennett

player landmarks: This was the last goo solved by Melissa Erin.

trivia: Scott briefly considered only counting guesses for "Who is Ken Jennings?" but didn't want to eliminate players unfairly. Lori Lancaster, Elliot Farney, Anna Gregoline, Mike Eberhart, Erik Bates, Aaron Fischer, Angela René Rehn, Elizabeth Chesher, Mihai Rusu, and Christine Marie Doiron all answered in the form of a question.

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