Phyllis Joy

Phyllis's longest streak is 12 goos.
Phyllis has solved goos in 34 categories of the game.
Phyllis solved these 85 goos: Sarah McLachlan, Saddam Hussein, Takeshi Kaga, Pelé, Yao Ming, Kobe Bryant, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, Jeb Bush, God, M. Night Shyamalan, Annie Leibovitz, Ken Jennings, John Kerry, Connie Chung, Sarah Ferguson, Debbi Fields, Pac-Man, Jack Hanna, Shirley Ann Jackson, David Blaine, Jennifer Garner, Amy Tan, William Shatner, Ann Landers, Wanda Sykes, Rudy Giuliani, Homer Simpson, Shania Twain, Pope John Paul II, Arthur C. Clarke, Barney Hill, Laika, Wil Wheaton, Kofi Annan, Ben Curtis, Che Guevara, Aretha Franklin, Pamela Anderson, King Abdullah II, Elvis Presley, Johnny Carson, Jack Kevorkian, Eva Perón, Fabio, Chuck Woolery, Ray Charles, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gwen Stefani, Eminem, Danica Patrick, Wesley Autrey, Thom Yorke, David Koresh, Kathy Griffin, Howie Mandel, Lil Wayne, Charo, Daniel Radcliffe, Goo, Lindsay Lohan, David Letterman, Knut, Thomas Edison, Stephen Colbert, Sam Walton, Dale Earnhardt, Anne Geddes, Seung-Hui Cho, Taylor Swift, Alfred Kinsey, Kim Kardashian, Lady Godiva, Robert Opel, Ben Roethlisberger, Otto Frederick Rohwedder, Carlos Mencia, Khaled Hosseini, Mary Carey, Don Imus, Perez Hilton, Ernst Gräfenberg, Ron Popeil, Harry Caray, Fergie, and Matt Damon.
Phyllis played in these rounds: Round XXII (5 goos solved of 20), Round XXIII (7 goos solved of 20), Round XXIV (34 goos solved of 113), Round XXV (2 goos solved of 105), Round XXVI (2 goos solved of 110), Round XXIX (8 goos solved of 107), Round XXX (25 goos solved of 55), and Round XXXI (2 goos solved of 56).