Hast du etwas Zeit für mich?
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von neunundneunzig Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont

Rock Block's summer 2022 tournament draws inspiration from the 1983 anti-war hit "99 Luftballons" by the German one-hit wonder Nena (re-recorded a year later for English-speaking audiences as "99 Red Balloons" with apolitical lyrics). Just as the army generals in the song lyrics thought they were staring down each other's forces and had to decide whether to attack or restrain themselves, so too do the players in this tournament have choices to make. With each victory, a player can either pop one of their own 99 balloons, or pop another player's balloon to trigger two additional concerts for double the chances to win. The first player to have no balloons remaining will win and receive a prize!

discuss this tournament

To join the tournament, first join Rock Block. For more information about the game, see How to Play.


Congratulations to Matthew Preston, champion of the summer 2022 tournament!

Matthew was the first player to lose all 99 balloons.

The final scores as of his victory: Matthew Preston with 0, Chris Lemler with 5, Erik Bates with 5, Scott Hardie with 13, and Steve West with 13.


When a player wins a concert, they may pop one of their own balloons below, or pop another player's balloon to spawn two additional concerts.

Scott Hardie (13 Balloons)

Steve West (13 Balloons)

Rafik Moyo (47 Balloons)


Concerts: "99 Luftballons" tournament concerts will be started automatically. Every hour, a background process on the website will spawn a new concert between any two active players who are not already playing in any tournament concerts. If there are not two such players available, no concert will spawn. In these automatic concerts, the challenger and defender will be randomly assigned. The Overtime play rule will ensure that there are no draws, but the other play rules and the artists in each concert will be randomly selected based on what each pair of players has available to them. These concerts will use the None trade rule and expire after four days of inactivity. Winning or drawing in these concerts will not result in ranks of new artists in the Collection Guide, since participation in the tournament already does so (see Prizes below), but they will count towards achievements such as "win fifty concerts."

Balloons: Upon winning a tournament concert, you may come to this page to get your reward. Near the top of the page, you will be invited either to pop one of your own balloons, or to pop one belonging to another player. If you choose the latter, two concerts will be spawned instantly: One in which you are the challenger and that player is the defender, and another in which you are the challenger and a random other player is the defender. Like the automatic concerts, these will use the None and Overtime rules and will otherwise have their elements chosen randomly, and will conclude after four days of inactivity.

Victory: The first player who has all of their balloons popped will be declared the winner. As of that moment, whoever has the second-most popped will be declared the runner up, whoever had the third-most popped will be declared third place, and so on. Concerts that have already started can play out, but will no longer affect the scores. Popping balloons will not be possible after a winner is declared. If there is no winner by 8pm ET on August 31, 2022, the tournament will end with the player in the lead being declared the winner.


The champion will receive a $99 Amazon gift card by email and a small trophy.

The champion will also receive 99 ranks of new artists in the Collection Guide. The second-place player will receive 74 ranks of new artists, the third-place player will receive 49 ranks, and all other participating players will receive 24 ranks.

Every participating player will receive a copy of Nena in their label, and unlock the Overtime play rule if they don't have it already.

A "participating player" is defined as playing at least one turn in a "99 Luftballons" tournament concert.

Balloon Pops

These are all of the times that a player popped a balloon in chronological order.

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on May 10 at 10:42am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on May 13 at 8:22am

Scott popped Matthew's balloon, on May 15 at 6:29am

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on May 16 at 2:27pm

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on May 17 at 10:41am

Steve popped his own balloon, on May 17 at 11:17am

Scott popped Matthew's balloon, on May 19 at 10:50am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on May 20 at 2:24pm

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on May 21 at 8:45am

Steve popped Erik's balloon, on May 21 at 11:26am

Steve popped his own balloon, on May 21 at 11:26am

Steve popped his own balloon, on May 22 at 11:15am

Steve popped his own balloon, on May 24 at 8:40pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on May 24 at 8:40pm

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on May 25 at 8:12am

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on May 25 at 10:20am

Matthew popped Scott's balloon, on May 25 at 5:21pm

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on May 29 at 10:04am

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on May 30 at 2:47pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on May 30 at 8:16pm

Steve popped Scott's balloon, on May 31 at 2:31pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on June 1 at 8:07pm

Steve popped Scott's balloon, on June 1 at 8:08pm

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on June 2 at 2:14pm

Matthew popped Scott's balloon, on June 2 at 2:47pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on June 2 at 2:47pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on June 2 at 2:47pm

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on June 4 at 9:24am

Steve popped his own balloon, on June 6 at 10:22am

Matthew popped Scott's balloon, on June 6 at 3:01pm

Scott popped Matthew's balloon, on June 6 at 3:32pm

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on June 7 at 3:25pm

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on June 7 at 8:08pm

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on June 7 at 8:10pm

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on June 10 at 6:47am

Steve popped his own balloon, on June 10 at 4:16pm

Scott popped Matthew's balloon, on June 11 at 7:24am

Scott popped Matthew's balloon, on June 11 at 7:29am

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on June 11 at 7:29am

Scott popped Matthew's balloon, on June 11 at 7:30am

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on June 11 at 2:05pm

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on June 11 at 3:04pm

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on June 12 at 8:08am

Steve popped his own balloon, on June 12 at 11:33am

Matthew popped Scott's balloon, on June 12 at 2:53pm

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on June 14 at 7:15am

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on June 14 at 7:15am

Steve popped his own balloon, on June 14 at 6:06pm

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 15 at 9:45am

Chris popped his own balloon, on June 16 at 5:41am

Chris popped his own balloon, on June 16 at 5:41am

Scott popped Rafik's balloon, on June 17 at 7:29am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 17 at 8:32am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on June 17 at 8:32am

Scott popped Rafik's balloon, on June 18 at 4:24am

Steve popped his own balloon, on June 18 at 4:11pm

Scott popped Rafik's balloon, on June 19 at 6:13am

Scott popped Rafik's balloon, on June 20 at 7:06am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 20 at 3:35pm

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 20 at 3:35pm

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 20 at 3:35pm

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on June 21 at 6:35am

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on June 22 at 8:05am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 22 at 8:58am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 22 at 8:58am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 22 at 8:58am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 22 at 8:58am

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on June 23 at 7:06am

Steve popped Rafik's balloon, on June 23 at 5:46pm

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on June 24 at 6:35am

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on June 25 at 7:43am

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on June 26 at 9:31am

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on June 27 at 10:40am

Steve popped his own balloon, on June 27 at 11:22pm

Scott popped Rafik's balloon, on June 28 at 7:53am

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on June 29 at 8:12am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 29 at 10:52am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 29 at 10:52am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 29 at 10:52am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on June 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on June 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on June 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on June 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on June 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on June 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on June 29 at 10:53am

Steve popped his own balloon, on June 29 at 1:12pm

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on June 30 at 8:40am

Steve popped his own balloon, on June 30 at 7:49pm

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on July 1 at 9:51am

Steve popped Matthew's balloon, on July 1 at 11:02am

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on July 2 at 8:01am

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on July 3 at 10:17am

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 3 at 11:31am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:10am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:11am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:11am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:11am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:12am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:12am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:12am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:12am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:12am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:12am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:13am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:13am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:13am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:13am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 9:13am

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on July 4 at 9:13am

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 4 at 3:58pm

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 5 at 10:13am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 5 at 10:13am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 5 at 10:13am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 5 at 10:13am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 5 at 10:13am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 5 at 10:14am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 5 at 10:14am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 5 at 10:14am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 5 at 10:14am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 5 at 10:14am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 5 at 10:14am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 5 at 10:14am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 5 at 10:14am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 5 at 10:14am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 5 at 10:15am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 5 at 10:15am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 5 at 10:15am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 5 at 10:15am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 5 at 10:15am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 5 at 10:15am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 5 at 10:15am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 5 at 10:15am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 5 at 10:15am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 5 at 10:15am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 5 at 10:15am

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on July 5 at 10:24am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 5 at 10:24am

Steve popped Matthew's balloon, on July 5 at 3:58pm

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on July 6 at 8:49am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 6 at 8:49am

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on July 7 at 7:47am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 7 at 7:47am

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on July 8 at 10:13am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 8 at 10:13am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 8 at 10:14am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 8 at 10:14am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 8 at 10:15am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 8 at 10:15am

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 8 at 11:25am

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 8 at 11:25am

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 8 at 11:25am

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on July 9 at 9:31am

Steve popped Matthew's balloon, on July 10 at 7:51am

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on July 10 at 9:02am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 10 at 9:03am

Erik popped his own balloon, on July 10 at 8:32pm

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:19am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:19am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:19am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:19am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:19am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:19am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:19am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:19am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:19am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Rafik's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Scott's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Scott's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 12 at 11:20am

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on July 13 at 8:46am

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on July 14 at 7:07am

Steve popped Matthew's balloon, on July 14 at 12:06pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 14 at 3:41pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 14 at 3:41pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 14 at 5:32pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 15 at 11:22am

Scott popped Erik's balloon, on July 15 at 3:36pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 15 at 3:36pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 15 at 3:36pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 15 at 3:36pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 15 at 3:37pm

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on July 16 at 8:27am

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 16 at 2:13pm

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Steve's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Steve's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:02am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:03am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:03am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:03am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:03am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:03am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:03am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 9:03am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 11:49am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 11:49am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 11:49am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 11:49am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 11:49am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 11:49am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 18 at 11:50am

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on July 19 at 11:15am

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 19 at 3:40pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 19 at 3:41pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 19 at 3:41pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 19 at 5:37pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 19 at 11:57pm

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 20 at 10:00am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 20 at 10:00am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 20 at 10:00am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 20 at 10:00am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 20 at 10:00am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 20 at 10:00am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 20 at 10:00am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 20 at 10:00am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 20 at 10:00am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 20 at 10:00am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 20 at 10:00am

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 20 at 10:36am

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 20 at 10:36am

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on July 20 at 2:12pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 20 at 2:13pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 20 at 2:13pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 21 at 4:49pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 21 at 11:00pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 21 at 11:00pm

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on July 22 at 6:36am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 22 at 6:37am

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on July 24 at 7:08am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:08am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 7:10am

Steve popped Matthew's balloon, on July 24 at 6:39pm

Steve popped Matthew's balloon, on July 24 at 6:40pm

Steve popped Matthew's balloon, on July 24 at 6:40pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 6:41pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 6:41pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 6:41pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 6:41pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 6:41pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 6:41pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 6:41pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 6:41pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 6:41pm

Steve popped Matthew's balloon, on July 24 at 6:42pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 6:42pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 24 at 6:42pm

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:51am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:51am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:51am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:51am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:51am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:52am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:53am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:54am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:54am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:54am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on July 25 at 7:54am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:54am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:54am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:54am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:54am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 7:54am

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on July 25 at 11:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 11:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 11:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 11:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 11:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 11:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 11:09am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 25 at 11:09am

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on July 26 at 7:00am

Scott popped Steve's balloon, on July 27 at 7:37am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 27 at 7:37am

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 27 at 7:37am

Steve popped Erik's balloon, on July 27 at 10:00am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:53am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:54am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:54am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:54am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:54am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:54am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:54am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:55am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:55am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:55am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:55am

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on July 29 at 10:56am

Scott popped Chris's balloon, on July 30 at 4:48pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 30 at 4:48pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 30 at 4:48pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 30 at 4:48pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 30 at 4:48pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 30 at 4:48pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 30 at 4:48pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 30 at 4:48pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on July 31 at 10:05am

Steve popped Erik's balloon, on July 31 at 3:12pm

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on July 31 at 3:13pm

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on July 31 at 3:13pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 31 at 3:13pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on July 31 at 3:13pm

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 11:02am

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 2 at 11:12am

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 11:16am

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 11:28am

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 11:28am

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 11:29am

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 11:34am

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 11:35am

Steve popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 11:38am

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Erik's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:36pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:37pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:37pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:37pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:37pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:37pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:37pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:37pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:37pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:37pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 2 at 12:37pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 2 at 2:31pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 2 at 7:47pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 2 at 7:47pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 2 at 7:47pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 2 at 7:47pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 2 at 7:47pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 2 at 7:47pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 2 at 7:47pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 3 at 3:01pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 3 at 4:54pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 3 at 7:18pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 3 at 11:08pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 3 at 11:08pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 3 at 11:08pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 3 at 11:08pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 3 at 11:08pm

Matthew popped Chris's balloon, on August 3 at 11:08pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 3 at 11:08pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 4 at 3:31pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 4 at 3:31pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 4 at 3:31pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 5 at 10:10am

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 5 at 10:10am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 5 at 2:36pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 6:14am

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 9:45am

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 10:45am

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 12:23pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 12:23pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 12:23pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 12:23pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 12:23pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 12:23pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 12:23pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 12:23pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 12:24pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 12:52pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 2:24pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 2:54pm

Steve popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 2:54pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 4:22pm

Scott popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 9:17pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 9:52pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 9:52pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 9:52pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 9:53pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 9:53pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 9:53pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 6 at 9:53pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:38pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:38pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:39pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:39pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:39pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:39pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:39pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:39pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:39pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:39pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:39pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:39pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:39pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:39pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:40pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:41pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:41pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:41pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:41pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:41pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:41pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:41pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:41pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:41pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:41pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:41pm

Matthew popped his own balloon, on August 7 at 11:42pm


These are all "99 Luftballons" tournament concerts in chronological order. Bold titles are still being played.

Steve vs. Scott, won by Scott, on May 10 at 10:24am

Chris vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 12 at 2:50pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on May 14 at 10:00pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 16 at 2:23pm

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on May 17 at 10:00am

Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on May 17 at 11:16am

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on May 18 at 10:52am

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on May 19 at 10:05am

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 20 at 2:23pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on May 21 at 7:00am

Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on May 21 at 10:58am

Steve vs. Chris, won by Chris, on May 22 at 7:04am

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 22 at 11:15am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 23 at 8:26pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on May 24 at 8:11pm

Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on May 24 at 8:12pm

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on May 25 at 10:18am

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 25 at 5:12pm

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on May 27 at 1:29pm

Scott vs. Chris, won by Chris, on May 28 at 1:11pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on May 29 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on May 29 at 3:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on May 29 at 6:00pm

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on May 30 at 2:46pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 30 at 8:13pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on May 31 at 2:30pm

Chris vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 1 at 5:00pm

Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on June 1 at 8:07pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on June 2 at 2:14pm

Steve vs. Scott, won by Scott, on June 3 at 8:37am

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 6 at 10:19am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on June 6 at 3:00pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on June 6 at 3:27pm

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on June 7 at 8:00am

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 7 at 9:00am

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 7 at 7:39pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 9 at 9:29pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 10 at 8:04am

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on June 10 at 4:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on June 10 at 4:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on June 10 at 4:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on June 10 at 4:00pm

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on June 10 at 4:00pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on June 11 at 2:01pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on June 11 at 2:46pm

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on June 11 at 4:00pm

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 11 at 9:00pm

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 13 at 9:00pm

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 14 at 7:00am

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on June 14 at 6:05pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on June 14 at 7:48pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on June 14 at 11:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 15 at 11:38am

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 15 at 12:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 15 at 12:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 15 at 12:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 15 at 12:00pm

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 15 at 3:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 15 at 4:00pm

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 16 at 9:00am

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 16 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on June 16 at 3:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on June 16 at 3:00pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on June 16 at 3:06pm

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on June 16 at 8:54pm

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on June 18 at 7:52am

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 18 at 8:00am

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on June 18 at 12:34pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 18 at 4:10pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on June 19 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on June 19 at 10:00am

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on June 20 at 3:34pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on June 20 at 7:07pm

Scott vs. Rafik, won by Scott, on June 21 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on June 21 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on June 21 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on June 21 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on June 21 at 9:00am

Scott vs. Rafik, won by Scott, on June 22 at 5:00am

Scott vs. Rafik, won by Scott, on June 23 at 7:00am

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 23 at 7:00am

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on June 23 at 12:04pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 23 at 2:38pm

Scott vs. Rafik, won by Scott, on June 24 at 8:00am

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on June 24 at 1:45pm

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on June 24 at 2:40pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on June 24 at 4:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on June 24 at 4:00pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on June 24 at 4:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on June 24 at 4:00pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on June 24 at 4:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 25 at 7:00am

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 26 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on June 26 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on June 26 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on June 26 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on June 26 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on June 26 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on June 26 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on June 26 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on June 26 at 9:00am

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 27 at 8:00am

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 27 at 8:00am

Steve vs. Rafik, won by Steve, on June 27 at 6:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 28 at 7:00am

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 29 at 8:00am

Scott vs. Rafik, won by Scott, on June 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 29 at 1:11pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on June 30 at 10:00am

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on June 30 at 10:00am

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on June 30 at 7:16pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on July 1 at 11:00am

Scott vs. Rafik, won by Scott, on July 1 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 1 at 11:01am

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on July 1 at 1:41pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on July 1 at 5:37pm

Scott vs. Rafik, won by Scott, on July 2 at 8:00am

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on July 3 at 9:00am

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 3 at 10:53am

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on July 3 at 10:57am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 10:59am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 3 at 11:01am

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on July 3 at 7:23pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 4 at 3:53pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on July 5 at 10:10am

Steve vs. Rafik, won by Steve, on July 5 at 12:00pm

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on July 5 at 4:44pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 5 at 5:06pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 5 at 5:48pm

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on July 5 at 6:06pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 5 at 6:13pm

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on July 6 at 9:00am

Scott vs. Rafik, won by Scott, on July 7 at 10:37am

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on July 7 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 8 at 9:06am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 8 at 9:07am

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on July 8 at 10:00am

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on July 8 at 10:57am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 8 at 11:12am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 10:46am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 9 at 11:01am

Scott vs. Rafik, won by Scott, on July 9 at 11:01am

Steve vs. Rafik, won by Steve, on July 9 at 4:00pm

Scott vs. Rafik, won by Scott, on July 10 at 9:00am

Scott vs. Erik, won by Erik, on July 10 at 2:50pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on July 10 at 3:05pm

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on July 12 at 11:00am

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on July 12 at 11:16am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 13 at 9:38am

Scott vs. Rafik, won by Scott, on July 13 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on July 13 at 10:40am

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on July 14 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 14 at 11:47am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 14 at 1:15pm

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on July 14 at 1:19pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on July 14 at 3:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on July 14 at 3:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on July 14 at 3:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on July 14 at 3:00pm

Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on July 14 at 4:00pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on July 14 at 4:40pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on July 14 at 4:42pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 15 at 9:32am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 15 at 4:06pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 11:23am

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 11:37am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Rafik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:02pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:02pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:02pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:02pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:02pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:02pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 16 at 12:02pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 16 at 1:59pm

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on July 19 at 9:26am

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on July 19 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 19 at 12:00pm

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on July 19 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 19 at 12:17pm

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on July 19 at 4:00pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 19 at 4:38pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 19 at 10:48pm

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on July 20 at 9:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 20 at 10:20am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 20 at 10:34am

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on July 21 at 9:53am

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on July 21 at 9:58am

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 21 at 4:46pm

Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on July 21 at 5:00pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 21 at 8:09pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 10:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 22 at 12:00pm

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on July 23 at 10:00am

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on July 23 at 10:00am

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on July 23 at 10:00am

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on July 23 at 10:00am

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on July 23 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 23 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 23 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 23 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 23 at 12:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on July 23 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 23 at 1:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on July 23 at 6:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on July 23 at 6:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 23 at 11:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 24 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 24 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 24 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 24 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 24 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 24 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 24 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 24 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 24 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 24 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 24 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 24 at 11:45am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 24 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 24 at 2:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 24 at 3:00pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on July 24 at 3:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 24 at 4:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 24 at 5:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 24 at 6:00pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on July 25 at 8:22pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on July 26 at 10:58am

Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on July 26 at 2:16pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on July 26 at 3:31pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 26 at 4:11pm

Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on July 28 at 7:00pm

Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on July 28 at 7:00pm

Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on July 28 at 7:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 8:01am

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on July 29 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 12:08pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on July 29 at 12:58pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on July 29 at 3:43pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on July 29 at 7:27pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 29 at 7:55pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on July 30 at 8:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on July 30 at 9:47am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 30 at 11:59am

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on July 30 at 12:14pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 30 at 12:29pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on July 30 at 12:31pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on July 30 at 3:45pm

Scott vs. Erik, won by Scott, on July 31 at 8:00am

Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on July 31 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:00am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 2 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 11:01am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 2 at 11:11am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 2 at 11:16am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 2 at 11:27am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 2 at 11:28am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 2 at 11:29am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 2 at 11:33am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 2 at 11:34am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 2 at 11:38am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 2 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 2 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 2 at 12:05pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 2 at 12:05pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 2 at 12:05pm

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 12:22pm

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 12:23pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 2 at 2:00pm

Scott vs. Steve, won by Scott, on August 2 at 5:04pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 2 at 8:09pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 3 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 3 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 3 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 3 at 3:01pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 3 at 4:53pm

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 3 at 7:14pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 3 at 7:15pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on August 3 at 7:17pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on August 3 at 7:17pm

Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on August 4 at 3:29pm

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 4 at 3:30pm

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 4 at 3:30pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 5 at 10:03am

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on August 5 at 10:10am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on August 5 at 2:36pm

Steve vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 6 at 6:13am

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 9:44am

Steve vs. Scott, won by Steve, on August 6 at 10:01am

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 6 at 12:00pm

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 6 at 12:00pm

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 6 at 12:00pm

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 6 at 12:00pm

Steve vs. Erik, won by Steve, on August 6 at 12:00pm

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 6 at 12:00pm

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 6 at 12:00pm

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 6 at 12:00pm

Steve vs. Chris, won by Steve, on August 6 at 12:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 12:50pm

Steve vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 6 at 12:51pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:00pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 1:01pm

Steve vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 6 at 2:23pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 6 at 2:31pm

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on August 6 at 2:31pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 6 at 4:16pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 6 at 4:22pm

Scott vs. Chris, won by Scott, on August 6 at 6:12pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 7 at 11:36pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 7 at 11:37pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 7 at 11:38pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 7 at 11:38pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 7 at 11:38pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 7 at 11:38pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 7 at 11:38pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 7 at 11:38pm

Matthew vs. Erik, won by Matthew, on August 7 at 11:38pm

Matthew vs. Chris, won by Matthew, on August 7 at 11:38pm

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on August 8 at 9:40am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on August 8 at 9:52am

Scott vs. Matthew, won by Scott, on August 8 at 10:00am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 8 at 10:53am

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 8 at 10:55am

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 8 at 10:56am

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 8 at 10:58am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 9 at 4:07pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 9 at 5:09pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 9 at 8:28pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 9 at 8:42pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 9 at 8:56pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 9 at 8:57pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 10 at 4:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 10 at 4:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 10 at 5:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 10 at 5:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 10 at 5:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 10 at 5:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 10 at 5:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 10 at 5:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 10 at 10:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 10 at 10:00pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 11 at 9:32am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 11 at 9:47am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 11 at 9:47am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 11 at 11:00am

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Matthew, on August 11 at 4:03pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on August 11 at 4:15pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 11 at 6:01pm

Steve vs. Matthew, won by Steve, on August 11 at 6:07pm

Erik vs. Chris, won by Erik, on August 12 at 1:00am

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 12 at 2:06pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 12 at 5:00pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Matthew, on August 13 at 2:49pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 13 at 2:57pm

Matthew vs. Steve, won by Steve, on August 13 at 4:17pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 14 at 6:46pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 14 at 7:43pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 14 at 8:06pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 14 at 8:12pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 14 at 8:47pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 15 at 12:01pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 15 at 2:19pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Scott, on August 15 at 7:53pm

Matthew vs. Scott, won by Matthew, on August 15 at 8:27pm