Steve West | February 12, 2009
The latest member of the club is one of its most deserving. Those who have preceded her into membership have played just a bit longer so it is truly remarkable that she got here so quickly. Your pitbull doggedness in refusing to let go of any goo is reflected in the number of Golden Imeldas you've achieved along the way. Congratulations, Amy.

Amy Austin | February 12, 2009
Thanks! Now... where's my jacket?

Steve West | February 12, 2009
You know how cold it is in DC? I borrowed it and now there's some indescribable stain on it. Drycleaning may be iffy. I'll get back to you.

Amy Austin | February 12, 2009
Sheesh... don't you already have your own?!! ;-p

Steve West | February 12, 2009
You think I'd wear my jacket while mucking out horse stalls??!! Are you mad!?

Amy Austin | February 12, 2009

Richard Slominsky | February 12, 2009
Congrats!! Amy... I can only hope to get there one year.....

Matthew Preston | February 13, 2009
Nice job Amy! It took all I had to reach this milestone and I've been playing since goo #1. You are one dedicated player.

Lori Lancaster | February 13, 2009
[hidden by request]

Aaron Shurtleff | February 13, 2009
Geez! Took ya long enough! :P

I kid, of course! Excellent achievement!

Scott Hardie | February 14, 2009
I think I need some kind of award on the player awards page for this. Certainly I'm no good at keeping an eye on it myself. (I pointed out the first one because I coincidentally glanced at the GOO Userrank page that same morning, which I almost never do.) Anyway, many congratulations on the Millennium Club's newest member, and those who preceded her. It takes a hell of a long time to pull that off.

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