Scott Hardie | February 6, 2008
Some users here have been going through hard times lately, so let's see if we can cheer each other up. Say something nice about the previous person in this discussion, and feel free to contribute as often as you like. Since two people might post within moments of each other, reduce confusion by addressing your subject by name.

Amy Austin | February 6, 2008
Well, I feel awkward going first here, but it's only because Scott is so easy to compliment. Like this:

See... just one more illustration of how kind and thoughtful you are, Scott. ;-)

Steve West | February 6, 2008
Among the many things I love about Amy, foremost would be her genuineness. I find nothing disingenuous about her. When she's mad, she expresses it openly. When she's pleased, she purrs. Her character is on open display. She's one of the most honestly expressive people I know.

Aaron Shurtleff | February 6, 2008
Steve West is just awesome! If he beats you in Rock Block, he'll always let you know what you could have done better, but in such a way that you don't feel lectured. He adds value to every TC topic he posts in (and how many of us can truly say that?), and he seems very well informed about a number of topics, which simply amazes me!

Denise Sawicki | February 6, 2008
Aaron is a funny and friendly guy, also maybe a little nuts, which helps me relate to him :-) (because he's good at dealing with nutty people)

EDIT: I'm gonna add, much later, as many people said, I do not know the gentleman, I just go on perceptions from his blog. Didn't want to appear to be claiming otherwise. :-P

Erik Bates | February 6, 2008
[hidden by request]

Jackie Mason | February 7, 2008
[hidden by request]

Aaron Shurtleff | February 8, 2008
I hate to come in here again, like I'm fishing for more compliments, but I also hate to see someone deserving of complements hanging for too long...

Jackie, I don't know very well, but she seems very friendly. She's always commenting in TC, and in Exquisite Corpse, which means she actually reads my drivel, which makes her cool in my book! :)

Lori Lancaster | February 8, 2008
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | February 10, 2008
There is no end to Lori's creativity. From drawing to writing to crafting, she spends time almost daily just making new things. The people lucky enough to be in her life are the benefactors, receiving and reviewing her work.

Kris Weberg | February 10, 2008
Scott seems tireless in his efforts to develop, expand, and streamline the site; when you consider that this is basically a massive free entertainment complex and hangout spot, that speaks volumes about his generosity, affability, and creative energies.

Amy Austin | February 10, 2008
Kris is an intelligent and masterful debater (pun only slightly intended!) whose carefully crafted arguments always compel me to reflect upon any topic a little more deeply, even on the occasions that I disagree. His sense of humor is wicked and subtle and just as filling as his... diatribes. ;-) I am always interested to read what Kris has to say, and I am certain that I don't stand alone on that.

Tony Peters | February 10, 2008
Amy always makes my laugh and never at her but with her....and yes she purrs when she's happy, it's infectious

Aaron Shurtleff | February 14, 2008
Tony has that difficult to define quality where you still have a youthful way of looking at the world, but yet are not weighted down with burdens of age, nor are you too immature...I said it was difficult to define!! I mean, the guy skateboards, for goodness sake! How awesome is that? Plus, his apparently insatiable appetite for reading (unless he's an exaggerator...which I don't think he is) is something to be saluted in these days of internet and TV where everyone has a too damn short attention span!
Take care of those peepers, would ya? :)

Erik Bates | February 20, 2008
[hidden by request]

Steve Dunn | February 20, 2008
Erik is someone who: 1) tries to do the right thing; 2) is self-aware; and 3) knows how to laugh and have a good time. It seems a bit strange to say these things about someone I've never met, but I firmly believe that if you hang around with someone on the internet long enough, you can make very reliable judgments about their character. I would trust Erik without hesitation.

Scott Hardie | February 21, 2008
Steve Dunn loves online forums so much, he runs his own at He has attracted a smart, witty group of people with a wide range of interests and fields of expertise, who are quick to help one another. I think a number of regular users here would fit right in. Whatever you all have been so kind to say about me for running this site out of my own pocket for everyone else's enjoyment, also applies to Steve for his own site.

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