Scott Hardie | March 4, 2007
Fulfilling a personal mission and a request from E. M, I have restored the old User Map to the site. Type in your zip code to add your photo to the map instantly.

You have to be logged in to get to the map, and you have to have your photograph on the site to add yourself to the map. It has difficulty recognizing some foreign postal codes, so if yours doesn't work, just send me your full address and I'll add you myself.

Comments? Suggestions for improvement?

Tony Peters | March 4, 2007
yeah well Amy and I are so close (though we are an hour apart) our pics overlap...I'm sure it's the tiny state syndrome but it's still annoying

Scott Hardie | March 4, 2007
I'll see if I can randomize that a little, so you each have at least some time on top. Miah Poisson and I have it worse; we live in the same apartment complex, so one of us is permanently invisble behind the other.

Scott Hardie | March 4, 2007
Nope. I can randomize Miah and me on the exact same spot, but Google apparently always wants to put what's further south or west on top, which means you'll always appear over Amy on the nation-level view. Let me see about adding some zoomed-in mini-maps once more people get on here. (Chicago is going to be another crowded spot.)

Aaron Shurtleff | March 5, 2007
Yee-haw! I'm just peeking out from behind Scott now! :)

Lori Lancaster | March 5, 2007
[hidden by request]

Jackie Mason | March 6, 2007
[hidden by request]

Erik Bates | March 6, 2007
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | March 6, 2007
I just covered Lori.

(best "you're in trouble" kindergarten tone) oooooooooooohhhhhhh

Lori Lancaster | March 6, 2007
[hidden by request]

Amy Austin | March 6, 2007

Scott Hardie | November 20, 2007
With thanks to Steve Dunn and Kelly for pointing out the error, the User Map has been fixed. Google changed their coordinate-plotting API, which meant that user submissions always failed. I have adjusted my code to work their new way, and to send me a copy of the user submission if it still fails so that I can manually add the information.

Anyway, if you've been interested in adding yourself before and couldn't get it to work, please give it another shot. It keeps getting better with each new person added.

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