Lori Lancaster | October 25, 2007
[hidden by request]

Aaron Shurtleff | October 25, 2007
I think you forgot the link. Should we go look this up? :D

Lori Lancaster | October 25, 2007
[hidden by request]

Scott Hardie | October 26, 2007
Personally, I've never been able to get past the deshelling involved in eating boiled crawfish. The meat is fine when served prepared, but having to crack open the shell with your own fingers is revolting. Imagine picking up a dead cockroach longer than your middle finger, prying off its head with your thumbnail and forefinger, sucking the juice out, cracking open its thorax with both thumbs, and gnawing at the meat inside the hard shell. Who in their right mind dreamed this up as an appetizing precursor to succulent meat?

When I ate at a New Orleans restaurant with Matthew Preston and John Edwards, John ordered a big appetizer plate of écrevisses and enjoyed having this dish for the first time (mirrored in a scene with Jin in FIN), but eating just one crawfish this way was enough to put me off that dish for good.

Sorry to hijack this discussion with something so negative, but the yuck factor is powerful for me on this one. :-)

Lori Lancaster | October 26, 2007
[hidden by request]

Tony Peters | October 26, 2007
ummmmm BUGS.....I ran my own lobster pots when I was in highschool so we pretty much always had bugs in the fridge. I can still consume a lobster in record time when so inclined though I don't have the taste for it that I once did and in truth would rather have a dozen (or two) oysters.

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