Matthew Preston | September 17, 2010
Just curious: The next R10 matchup between Creedence Clearwater Revival and Roy Orbison ended in a 7-7 tie. Why did Roy get the victory?

Matthew Preston | September 17, 2010
Oops, I see it now. Scott decides the winner of a tie. :-)

Erik Bates | September 17, 2010
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Tony Peters | September 17, 2010
I think it's the coolness factor of a man in black

Erik Bates | September 17, 2010
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Steve West | September 17, 2010
Just givin' Roy his props. What an awesome voice especially when compared to John Fogerty's. Although I do like a lot of CCR. And BTW, my daydreams involve David Copperfield - go figure.

Scott Hardie | September 18, 2010
For what it's worth, I like CCR much more than I like Roy. Just this week, I spent a whole day at work listening to the CCR catalog from start to finish. They made so many great songs. But in my opinion, Roy was more important in rock history.

I thought about making some kind of tiebreaker system in which we'd have some kind of vote-off or both names would advance. But it already took hours to program a ballot that is ultimately just a silly idea, and I have a lot of other things I need to do before GooCon, so I simplified it by having my vote break any tie, knowing that it was bound to happen a few times.

Scott Hardie | September 18, 2010
Erik: We all have our own favorite men in black. I would go running on a beach with Billy Corgan, mostly to see him get some sun.

Amy Austin | September 18, 2010
If it matters to anyone... I didn't remember to vote... love them both... would have voted for Roy, too.

On a related note... Lynyrd Skynyrd got two whole votes against Bruce???

Tony Peters | September 19, 2010
I was one of those votes but I wasn't so much voting for Skynyrd as much as I really don't like Bruce

Matthew Preston | September 20, 2010
The matchup between Johnny Cash and Pink Floyd is going to be interesting.

Erik Bates | September 20, 2010
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Tony Peters | September 20, 2010
Man in black

Steve West | September 20, 2010
Prediction sure to go wrong: Floyd in a landslide.

Samir Mehta | September 20, 2010
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Steve Dunn | September 21, 2010
I can't believe Johnny Cash beat Bob Marley. I love the man in black, but really he's just one of many who did the outlaw country routine. Bob Marley invented and STILL dominates an entire genre.

Samir Mehta | September 21, 2010
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Steve Dunn | September 21, 2010
On one hand, this popularity contest is a lame way to make this decision. On the other hand, if we left it to Scott's sole discretion, he'd probably have promoted The Ramones, so I guess I shouldn't complain.


Scott Hardie | September 21, 2010
I'm with you on Marley, Steve. But I was also the sole vote for Sly & the Family Stone, and one of two votes for the Supremes, so what do I know? I do try to be fair, rather than just picking my favorite. I don't know why you think I have such an overwhelming bias for punk rock when I clearly have an overwhelming bias for heavy metal.

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