Jackie Mason | May 12, 2006
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Denise Sawicki | May 12, 2006
Hmm, I'm not really big on the jeans with 2% lycra in them or whatever, I have some, but I think they look a bit funny on me. Last time I looked for jeans it was hard to find any without the stretchy stuff.

I do like small purses though. I like a purse with the wallet built right in and just small other pockets for checkbooks and such. I don't have any makeup or anything to carry around and if I want to carry a lunch I'll use a backpack. OK I know I'm too old to use a backpack...

Lori Lancaster | May 12, 2006
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Jackie Mason | May 12, 2006
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Michael Paul Cote | May 12, 2006
guys wearing their pants below (seems like) belt level so that 6 inches of underwear shows.

Aaron Shurtleff | May 12, 2006
Memo to the world:

Hey! You! The girl at the tattoo parlor! Listen...everyone has a freakin' tattoo on their lower back, just above the ass. It's not cool; it just makes people think you're a stripper...I mean exotic dancer. Break the cycle! Please break the cycle!!! :(

I like tattoos in general (I even have one or two), but please...it's time for the trend to die.

Oh, and if you don't understand enough of an asian language to know what your tattoo says, you deserve the fact that the chinese "Strength" tattoo on your forearm actually says "Pork Fried Rice"!

Kris Weberg | May 13, 2006
Ditto to Aaron on the lower chakra tatts. They're cheesy, and another of those "when you're 40, you'll feel so dumb" things.

Can we declare a moratorium on midriff in general? Most people in mosrt parts of the world cannot pull off midriff. And more to the point, I see so much midriff now it's not even special o0r sexy anymore. It's just normal skin exposure. Or, in most cases, spare tire exposure.

Buy shirts that fit, and belts, children of America! Buy them now!

Steve Dunn | May 13, 2006
I've spotted two nasty trends from olden days making tragic comebacks:

1) Upturned collars. I saw this have a brief resurgence in the yuppie set a couple years ago, but it seems to have died back down. Let this trend never return.

2) "Baby On Board" signs in car windows. Right, like I was just about to hit you, but I changed my mind to spare your baby.

Erik Bates | May 13, 2006
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Jackie Mason | May 14, 2006
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Kris Weberg | May 14, 2006
Steve, I'm sure you recall this Simpsons quote from Marge:

"I got one of those 'Baby on Board' signs. Now people will stop intentionally ramming our car!"

Please let it die: Celebrity couple compound names. No more "Bennifer" or "Brangelina" or whatever. Just...stop.

Jackie Mason | May 14, 2006
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Scott Horowitz | May 16, 2006
Speaking of Trends,


Lori Lancaster | May 16, 2006
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Scott Hardie | May 16, 2006
People are searching for "grits"?

I guess it's more popular than I thought: (link)

Maybe the fake tan would be better if they could get the color right. Pumpkin orange? Who is supposed to turn that color under the sun?

When I think "fake tan", one celebrity always comes to mind. (link)

Jackie Mason | May 16, 2006
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Scott Hardie | May 16, 2006
I've decided that it wouldn't look very good on us: (link) (link) But I guess I didn't need Photoshop to figure that out.

Lori Lancaster | May 16, 2006
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Jackie Mason | May 16, 2006
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John E Gunter | May 16, 2006
That was pretty funny Scott! When I saw your link to the fake tan celeb, I thought you were talking about George Hamilton, but then I remembered, his is actually a real tan!

Kinda scary when you think about it!

Denise Sawicki | May 22, 2006
Speaking of purses, as I was walking to work just now, some guy driving by just yelled out the window to me, "That's a killer purse!" What the heck? I didn't think my purse was exceptional in any way. (It is kind of tan straw with brown leather trim.) I am going to assume this was probably some way of saying, "You look like a dork," rather than a politically correct wolf-whistle alternative. :P Regardless, I thought it was peculiar...

Lori Lancaster | May 22, 2006
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Jackie Mason | May 23, 2006
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Denise Sawicki | May 23, 2006
I just made a weird perplexed face and kept walking. It's odd because he can't have seen the purse long enough to form an opinion on it, at that speed. I'm just overanalyzing some kind of weird joke, I'm sure :)

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