Scott Horowitz | December 14, 2006
Just want a brief poll on here, who thinks the new Rocky movie is a trainwreck waiting to happen? I personally think this movie may make Gigli look good

Aaron Shurtleff | December 14, 2006
Golly! I'm not even sure I'll see this, and I've watched all the other Rocky movies. It will depend on whether or not I'm in the mood. But, yeah, I think it'll probably be a disaster!

John E Gunter | December 15, 2006
There's a new movie!? Heh, heh!

I'm being sarcastic by the way!

Jackie Mason | December 16, 2006
[hidden by request]

Kerry Odell | December 20, 2006
Can we really blame him for milking the cash cow?? He's rapidly approaching the sunset years of his life and is probably looking to secure the nest egg, which has no doubt been whittled away over the years. I think he's also trying to recapture the glory days of his youth.

I don't think it will be the best sequel, but that hasn't bothered my 11 year old any. We got the taps on the shoulder during the trailer that mean he wants to go see it.

I'll reserve my opinion until after we see it, cause I don't always agree with the critics. :)

Kris Weberg | December 21, 2006
The weird thing is that he's marketing the movie as a Christian story, sending out press materials and so forth encouraging such an interpretation of the Italian Stallion's career. I must've missed the part of the New Testament where Jesus fights Mr. T after sparring with a side of beef.

Scott Hardie | December 23, 2006
Maybe in some deleted scene from South Park, Kris?

I don't have a problem with Sylvester Stallone trying to be an action star in his sixties. Last year Sharon Stone tried to be sexy in another sequel no one wanted, Basic Instinct 2, and the reaction was harsh. It wasn't just about the movie, which was probably terrible but so are lots of movies, but about her personally for daring to act sexy in her forties. Heaven forbid! We have some messed up standards when it comes to age in this country. Women past 35 can be sexy and men past 35 can be tough.

That said, Stallone would have more dignity (at the cost of box office returns) if he stuck to new tough guys, instead of trotting out his ancient characters that only remind the audience of just how old he's getting. Clint Eastwood realized years ago how old Dirty Harry was getting and gave him up in favor of new characters in new thrillers; he's geriatric now but can still seem tough as nails.

Amy Austin | December 24, 2006
I agree -- Jack Palance died with his toughness thoroughly intact.

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