Why is it that the sanest people I know (not saying much) always go batsh!t on Friday the 13th? It's a day! Get over it!

I wish I could be here more than once a week. I might have a plan in mind that will solve my lack of time problems! More to come later.

No, my plan does not involve losing my job. ;)

How come every time you come around, my london london bridge wanna fall down? A wiser question has never been asked...in my blog. :P

I'm still alive (much to some people's consternation!), but I'm really busy like a bee! Like a tireless worker ant pulling a giant fat caterpillar back to the mound, I slave away. Like a huge bumblebee...oh, you get the point!

I just got some fishing lures at work today, so if anyone wants to go fishin', give me a call! I just need...everything but the lures! They're freshwater lures, by the way. I would like to go fishin' some time. When things calm down.

Helpful advice of the day, if a cop stops you for going to fast, "Oops, I thought the speed limit was higher" will not get you out of the ticket. Although you will get complimented for your honesty! :)

Helpful advice part 2: Speeding tickets cost a lot. Don't get them.


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

09-VII-2019 or Look out, spicy bois!

I saw a meme that claimed there was a petition to change the name of fire ants to spicy bois. I am trying to be hip to the lingo the kids are using nowadays! They do like the word spicy, I'll tell you hwat. Go »

18-VIII-2006 or Are you doing that on purpose?

I keep reading Adrirants, but she's posting them and disabling replies! How can the peanut gallery comment? Maybe that's the point... Go »

20-II-2007 or Holy crap!

This is a most Holy of Holy days!!! I finally got a GOO before anyone else!! I'm #1! Go »

21-X-2008 or Hello, Facebook!

I got bored, so I now have a Facebook profile. It's pretty bleak, but I might work on it from time to time. Probably not, but you never know... Go »

28-V-2010 or The Price

No, this is not about the Twisted Sister song! Although it could be... We will never discuss the price I just paid to get Bon Jovi back on my Rock Block label... Go »

24-I-2006 or Holy crap! I'm stealing internet!

There's really no appropriate place to say, "Hey! I bought a wireless USB adapter, and I'm borrowing my neighbor's internet access!" But, I am! Go »