Why is it that the sanest people I know (not saying much) always go batsh!t on Friday the 13th? It's a day! Get over it!

I wish I could be here more than once a week. I might have a plan in mind that will solve my lack of time problems! More to come later.

No, my plan does not involve losing my job. ;)

How come every time you come around, my london london bridge wanna fall down? A wiser question has never been asked...in my blog. :P

I'm still alive (much to some people's consternation!), but I'm really busy like a bee! Like a tireless worker ant pulling a giant fat caterpillar back to the mound, I slave away. Like a huge bumblebee...oh, you get the point!

I just got some fishing lures at work today, so if anyone wants to go fishin', give me a call! I just need...everything but the lures! They're freshwater lures, by the way. I would like to go fishin' some time. When things calm down.

Helpful advice of the day, if a cop stops you for going to fast, "Oops, I thought the speed limit was higher" will not get you out of the ticket. Although you will get complimented for your honesty! :)

Helpful advice part 2: Speeding tickets cost a lot. Don't get them.


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

14-VII-2009 or Oh. Didn't I Mention That??

Ha! I just saw the funniest thing, but I shouldn't make mention of it, since it involves images of me online on Youtube cursing and being a total dick. It's real funny, but of course, if I speak of it, or name the event, then everyone will see me being a weirdo, and they might think that's really how I roll. Go »

23-VIII-2006 or Happy Birthday! (Supplemental-No reply)

This is dedicated to the one that got away... Hey! Happy Birthday! Go »

2-VII-2008 or Quick Hits

1) At the bottom of my Dashboard, it says: You are not currently playing a concert with Amy Austin. Yea. And I ain't gonna! Go »

24-I-2006 or Holy crap! I'm stealing internet!

There's really no appropriate place to say, "Hey! I bought a wireless USB adapter, and I'm borrowing my neighbor's internet access!" But, I am! Go »

6-IV-2007 or I am so high, I can see heaven.

That has got to be the worst line from the worst theme song in movie history (IMNSHO)! It's so bad, it's the song of the day! "Hero" by Chad Kroeger (Nickleback lead singer) and Josey Scott (Saliva lead singer), from the movie Spiderman. Go »


Gotta clean the dust out of here... Also gotta hope no one sees me doing something that is not RB concerts... Yay! Go »