1-X-2008 or Song Crush!
by Aaron Shurtleff on October 1, 2008

I couldn't pull up the archives in TC to add this on, so I thought I'd drop it my blog!
I've had this song stuck in my head for weeks!! I think it's the whole election thing... XTC is a pretty good band, but Andy Partridge (not a part of the Partridge Family, (un)fortunately) has a kind of odd voice to me.
And, of course, there's the slightly less good, but still pretty awesome Crash Test Dummies cover version.
MMMMM.... Ellen Reid *drools* I don't know how this song got on the soundtrack for Dumb and Dumber... The video isn't too good (except the eye candy...MMMM...Ellen Reid *drools*), but what can you do?
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6-IX-2007 or Not again! :(
I really really really hate birthdays! Just a reminder that you've been around another year, and that your time is shorter by 365 days (or so). :( I'm cranky like that. Go »
29-III-2007 or But you can't stop this, ya narcissist! :P
I found the chink in your logic! Seriously, there will be a full post tomorrow, probably. I just wanted to give a shout-out to the other loony around here! Go »
30-III-2007 or Happy Days are here again!
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7-III-2007 or What You Don't Want to Hear
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22-II-2007 or Speaking of crap...
I wrestled with not saying this, but I've been transparent about everything thus far, so here's the latest medical drama. I getting a colonoscopy tomorrow. That involves a lot of "cleansing" this evening, and a lot of I can't eat anything today and tomorrow. Go »