I had to do it! When you find it, you'll know. :) Me, a narcissist? Possibly!

Today is a good day to work, but I am tired. I wanted to watch IFC at midnight, because they supposedly showcase Asian cinema, but I can't stay up that late and go to work the next morning. :( I should get my VCR going and record some stuff. But, I can get a lot of stuff on the Video On Demand, so... I'm too lazy to hook it up.

New Def Leppard album next week. Songs From the Sparkle Lounge. Go buy it!! All new songs! Not a bunch of covers like the last album! Support good music!

Speaking of which, I'm going to see Ministry on Wednesday, and Death Angel next month. Good times. Good times. ;)

Song of the day: "Room With a View" by Death Angel. Someone asked me once what my theme song would be, if I had a theme song. This is it. There's a video on YouTube, if anyone's interested.

Well, that's it. Talk to you alls later.


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

Things I Learned From the People's Choice Awards 2018

Just looking over the results, and I saw a few things that I wanted to comment/ask about. Feel free to clarify and/or put in your new revelations! :) 1) What the heck is Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments and why am I just hearing about this?? Go »

25-IX-2009 or GooCon Post Event Report

I'mma let Scott do his post-event report, but Aaron Shurtleff is the greatest live GOO game champion of 2009 ever! And now a short listing of in-jokes from Goo Con Citrus Ridge: Push it, Bowwow. Push it hard. Go »

2-VIII-2007 or I Don't Have an Aunt Flo...

but I had issues! Unfortunately, last week went to Hades, thanks to an unscheduled visit from Uncle Intestinal Discomfort. I was pinned to my bathroom from Wednesday night into Saturday morning, with no internet access, so I was unable to even try to make a showing in the GOO finals. Go »

25-IV-2007 or Ze pearl is in ze river

That's a quote from a weird movie I saw back in the day. I think it had Chevy Chase and more vertically challenged people than I can count (including the famous Billy Barty!). The details are sketchy at this point, but I believe there was a secret message to be passed to the person who gave the code phrase, "The pearl is in the river." Go »

26-VIII-2019 or Shame!

Nope, not a Game of Throne reference. I heard the song by Stabbing Westward today, so it will be the song of the day. Shows what you know. Go »

20-I-2009 or Aaron misses the point?

Hmm... I thought the historic part had already gone past, but apparently, this is an historic day. I didn't know that swearing in was historic. Go »