I had to do it! When you find it, you'll know. :) Me, a narcissist? Possibly!

Today is a good day to work, but I am tired. I wanted to watch IFC at midnight, because they supposedly showcase Asian cinema, but I can't stay up that late and go to work the next morning. :( I should get my VCR going and record some stuff. But, I can get a lot of stuff on the Video On Demand, so... I'm too lazy to hook it up.

New Def Leppard album next week. Songs From the Sparkle Lounge. Go buy it!! All new songs! Not a bunch of covers like the last album! Support good music!

Speaking of which, I'm going to see Ministry on Wednesday, and Death Angel next month. Good times. Good times. ;)

Song of the day: "Room With a View" by Death Angel. Someone asked me once what my theme song would be, if I had a theme song. This is it. There's a video on YouTube, if anyone's interested.

Well, that's it. Talk to you alls later.


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

14-X-2009 or ...Aaaand I'm Back

Short trip, what? Iceland was pretty cool (as in cold as sin), but I had a great time! Reykjavik is a cool little city, but outside of there...nothing. Go »

7-III-2007 or What You Don't Want to Hear

I understand that hearing about my stupid medical situations is probably annoying to everyone. Too bad. It's where I'm at, so I like to use my blog as a venting point, or at least to try to put down what I'm thinking/feeling. Go »


Someone on Facebook just quoted Caddyshack, and the quote included the name Mitch Cumstein. THE LEGEND OF MITCHELL CUMSTEIN IS REAL!!!!!!! Go »

13-X-2006 or Yeah, yeah, yeah I know what day it is.

Why is it that the sanest people I know (not saying much) always go batsh!t on Friday the 13th? It's a day! Go »

4-VIII-2006 or Dogs and Ponies and VP's, Oh, $h!t!

Heh. Today, the new VP of Agricultural Research or whatever is touring our facility, so ain't squat gonna get done. I had to spend most of the day yesterday cleaning up and making the lab basically look like no one does anything. Go »

25-IV-2008(ii) or A Look Inside My Head

I've been obsessing about something I said, and I want to blog about it. Here is what I am now thinking, along with added special what's going on inside my head commentary! All italics are internal monologues/voices in my head, and regular text is the other side of my thinking process. Go »