I can't believe it! I really suck! :(

Anyhow, I am no longer receiving the attention of a member of the psychiatric profession, so that period of my life is over (for now). I ended up unable to afford it any longer, just to be certain that we all understand that Aaron is not well, just broke. I don't know how I feel about that. 2 years is a long time, granted, and at the same time, it's hard to gauge how much progress I made in that time. What constitutes "getting better"? What is the proper time frame? There are, in my opinion, no good answers to these kinds of questions. I could feel that I am doing better, but if everyone tells me I'm still the same miserable bastard I've always been...well...that should be important, too. Maybe further time might have "fixed" me, or maybe I am "unfixable", and I would have found my way to chemical assistance. Much like the number of licks to get to the center of a tootsie roll, the world may never know.

Although the leading theory is "Damn! Two years and you aren't on meds?! What's wrong with your therapist?" ;)

In better news, I bought a grab bag of dice. You might not know this about me, but I like dice, and I buy bunches of them whenever I see an opportunity! Which is funny, since I only ever use the same dice while gaming, and I dig around in my dice bag until I find them, so more dice don't help me any. But nonetheless, I saw a grab bag on the internet (and my other weakness is grab bags!!) with random dice, so I knew I had to have one. The results are mixed. I got a bunch of cool dice, and I'm happy with all of them. But some of the dice are not standard, and I can't think of a good use for some of them yet. I have some vague ideas, but we will see how that goes. There are some dice that I think might be unusable, unfortunately. They have the Superman S on five sides (it's a 6 sided die) and a face on the sixth side (possibly some Superman villian...I'm possibly the only person I know who never got into Superman, so I don't know any of his enemies). Not much you can do with those, unless you're in a superhero campaign, and even then, it's a crapshoot (so to speak).

So, my gaming group should beware of non-standard dice! ;)

My other weakness is cute plush items, like my previously mentioned plush cactaur, in case you forgot what my other weakness is. So, cute plushie grab bags will bring me to my knees in tears of joy! :D

My song of the day will be "Kick Some Ass" by Stroke 9.

How many people want to kick some ass?
(I do! I do!)


I am ready to go home for the day...and go to work. Having two jobs is a pain in the posterior! :(

And my neighbor put a password on his/her wireless router, so now I can't steal internet from him/her! How rude! :)

Anyways, just poking my head back in to see what's new in Blog City, population 11 (or so...just counting those who post...I think...I'll go count and make sure I'm not leaving people out...) Yeah, it's got 11 folks in the XQC userrank, so that's my population count!

I think it would be awesome if you could separate out all of the cool mini-games and side-games from your favorite video games, so you could play them whenever you like without going through the whole game again. I'm trying to play Blitz Ball (from Final Fantasy X), and it's not going well. I also love the card games from FFVIII and FFIX, but those are hard to play without going through the whole game (and plus my PS2 is refusing to play PS1 discs...and even some PS2 discs lately...I need to either upgrade to PS3 (and hope for the best) or go with a new PS2 (but $129.99 is still a lot of $$))

I can't believe that I still have fishing lures on my desk from last year!! I need to go fishin'! Maybe the next Redneck outing will be fishin' instead of NASCAR. I wonder if we could get a GOO-wide fishin' trip...rent a big boat...get some beverages of several sorts...spend a quiet day fishing and hopefully not getting seasick. This will require some serious thought and consideration. :D It's more fun to look like a fishing novice if you've got other people to share your pain!

Anyhow, same song of the day, new verse:

I'm really just a sensitive artist
Perpetrating like I am the hardest
Acting like I'm not the smartest
I'm really just a sensitive artist


In the second paragraph, when I say I'm broke, I meant without money, although the other broke is probably true, too. That was unintentional...but pretty cool! :D

Two Replies to 21-V-2007 or Has it been a month already?

Scott Hardie | May 21, 2007
There are some web sites out there that simulate the games from FF8/9, I believe. Unless Square sent cease-and-desist letters.

Aaron Shurtleff | May 28, 2007
I found them! Awesome! Thanks!!


Aaron Shurtleff uses this area as a dumping ground for his random thoughts... Read more »

7-IV-2009 or Back In Action

I'm not good at getting in here regularly. It's not that I don't love you all as much as I used to, because I totally do! I just have problems staying focused on stuff lately. Go »

24-IV-2008 or Fallen Angel

I have a post to write, but I'm not sure I can get to it in its entirety before the end of work, so I might just be holding this space for a while. Think of it as an announcement that something is coming later tonight (after kickball). It actually, in some ways, involves kickball. Go »

16-IX-2009 or Behind The Scenes (GE)

For those who are not aware, my first character in Gothic Earth is retiring. I believe that Scott is going to keep him around to use for his own undoubtedly nefarious purposes, but essentially, I am done with him. There were many reasons behind it, but there was just a single overriding reason above all others: I found myself unwilling to continue with him. Go »

22-VIII-2006 or PC Load Letter?! What the #@$% does that mean?!

I caught the tail end of Office Space the other night. Always improves my mood, somehow. I almost wish I worked in an office, so the jokes would be funnier. Go »

10-V-2008 or Thrash Unreal!

I'm really getting into the band Against Me!. (Do you put in a period in a case like this, where the band name ends in a punctuation mark??) I really like the song Thrash Unreal (I wish I could karaoke it! Go »

7-III-2007 or What You Don't Want to Hear

I understand that hearing about my stupid medical situations is probably annoying to everyone. Too bad. It's where I'm at, so I like to use my blog as a venting point, or at least to try to put down what I'm thinking/feeling. Go »