hot metal
by Tony Peters on April 30, 2010

Today the the University of Rhode Island had it's first Bronze was pretty cool to watch. next year one of those guys will likely be me
Five Replies to hot metal
Erik Bates | April 30, 2010
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Tony Peters | April 30, 2010
the flasks (stair stepped cylinder looking things) are molds being filled with liquid bronze that was melted in what amounts to a portable blast furnace....the metal and the gas to melt it probably cost more than the entire setup to do this. Think of it as an art school foundry version of Micro brewing beer. Bronze is the middle difficulty common metal pour. Aluminum being the coolest and easiest at roughly 1400 degrees Bronze at 2000 and Iron at roughly 3000 degrees. I have a friend who has done pours like this at his house/studio. to do this in a real foundry would probably cost 10 times the cost and non of us would be allowed to participate. THis really interested me because other than some wood carving I have been a two dimensional artist for most of my life
Jackie Mason | May 1, 2010
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Tony Peters | May 1, 2010
they (the real sculpture classes not us baby intro to 3D folks) made small wax sculptures. the coolest IMO were 3 Japanese Iris that one of the guys made took from flower to mold to wax and finally bronze, very cool I can't wait to see the final product....
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Kelly Lee | April 30, 2010
Man, that makes me want to take a metalsmithing class.