It always seems that 2-3 books that I have been patiently are all released by the publishers at the same time...such was the case for me with Wrath of a Mad God and the latest Dresden files book Small Favor...unsure which one I wanted to read more I switched from day to day reading one and then the other. I probably could have read both in less time had I stuck to just one book but both had captivating stories. I finished Wrath on Monday and Dresden last night in the tub after skating boarding home...

Skateboarding home for me is a 20 mile endevor, that I have so far done twice. I can't skate the whole way since there are 3 hills that right now I just can't push a skateboard up and have to walk. As my conditioning gets better I hope to cut that to 1 hill which is just too damn steep to do anything but walk and even walking it sucks (payoff is a 1.5mile downhill that is smooth and effortless). Otherwise I move along at roughly bicycle speed pushing, pumping or just rolling down a hill. Last night I was tired but a 20minute soak in a hot tub releived most of my pains unlike last week which I was completely exhausted for a day afterwards this week I'm a be sore but otherwise fine. As for why I am doing this to myself...well partly to get in shape but also because a group of us are planning on skateboarding across Connecticut to raise money for the ASPCA this summer...right now my portion of the relay is roughly 20 miles but if I can get into better shape I may extend it to 60-70 miles.


The musings of Tony Peters, a perpetual child, no matter where I am I will find a way to climb something or go skateboarding Read more »

awaiting surgery

I went into work yesterday...getting through the security turnstile that has replace the front doors of my building was more effort than I was expecting. The Elevator was not restful and when I finally did get to my office someone stole my heater (my office is so cold in the spring/summer/fall that an electric heater is required or icicles form from your breath (this isn't a joke). Go »

Beyond annoying...

well I'm officially retired now, sorta looking for a job but content to work in and around the house for a bit. My one task that I need to accomplish is to complete my VA claim and boy is that annoying....I have my medical record all 5 inches of it and I have to prove each issue that I am claiming and when I first had it treated....this Go »

Oh what a day

After spending the morning cleaning and setting up for a visit from my inlaws (looking forward to that being over) I spent the afternoon Downhill skateboarding with a bunch of is so simple with a bit of speed. I'm the 4th guy to enter the screen, Black shirt, Blue helmet, Pink wheels trying to stay in the draft of the two kids in a tight draft train. Go »

animals are family

one of our cats, Sketch was diagnosed with CHF (congestive heart failure) on Friday we spent the weekend at the the animal hospital before bringing her home late sunday night. Her Condition has been mixxed since though we hope for the best. Her heart seems to be OK and her lungs are free of fluid but she got severely dehydrated which has really messed up her digestive track. Go »

My Suitcase

OK my trip around the Mediterranean sea was pleasant enough, Cyprus would be a great place to visit anytime not in the winter. Less than 20% of the city of Limasol was open, which made doing anything including eating an adventure. Lots of ruins, did anyone know that Cyprus is/was the birthplace of Aphrodite, I didn't. Go »

Over Programed

True to my nature I only ever seem to be happy when I have too much on my plate...I'm reading 2 books and working on an online Photoshop CS3 class (I really want my Adobe Certified Expert before I retire). However the biggest impact on my life has been my wife and I starting P90X...we Go »