Eurotrip or How I learned to stop worrying and love flying internationally.
by Scott Horowitz on August 23, 2006

So, let's start at the beginning.
I flew out from LaGuardia airport in NY. Since, I used mileage I had crappy flights and had a connection in Boston. My flight left around 6:50AM. I got to the airport at 4AM because of the problems going on. It took me an hour just to check my luggage, got right through security and got on my flight. After landing at Logan, I found out that I had to leave securityy and go back through it (due to the fact that American Eagle is a seperate terminal than American in Boston (more reasons to hate that city). I waited in line for another 45 minutes, and then got through. Grabbed some breakfast, then got on the plane.
Plane ride was uneventful, watched The Inside Man. Not a big Spike Lee fan, but this was actually a decent movie. When we landed, I had to go to the bathroom really badly, of course we sat on the ground for 30 min before we could get a jetway (Heathrow was really backed up). Ran to the toilet, then got in line for immigration. This took another hour. got my luggage, and took the train to my hotel. Checked in and went to bed (mind you this was about 11:30 at night).
Next day I wanted to take a shower, no hot water. It seemed that a water main broke on the street and there was no hot water in the hotel. My friends arrived throughout that day,a nd we went out. I spent the next 2 days in london. London is like a smaller, older version of NYC. It's nice. I had been there before so it wasn't "new" to me.
After London, my friends and I split ways. My roommate and I went up to Scotland, while the other 2 guys we were with went down to Paris. We took the British National Rail up to Edinburgh (pronounced Ed-In-burr-ah). This is the capital of Scotland, which I must say is an absolutely beautiful country. My biggest complaint about the UK in general is that everything closes so early. Most stores close by 6PM every day. Edinburgh has a beautiful castle, and this cool tall monument to Walter Scott.
From Edinburgh, we made our way to Inverness. It's a little city, the reason it is on the map is due to it's relative closeness to Loch Ness. We did not see Nessie, but we did take a cruise on Loch Ness. The most interesting fact about Loch Ness is that it never gets warmer than 2 degrees C or cooler than 3 degrees C.
After Inverness, we went to Glasgow for a day. Glasgow I found to be the most modern of the cities we went to in Scotland. Very much about shopping, but still nice nonetheless.
We headed back to London, with another stop in Edinburgh to pick up a lost cell phone, to fly back. my flight home was a nightmare, but I won't bore you with that now.
I'll put some pictures up soon, had a great time, but was exhausted when I got back.
Three Replies to Eurotrip or How I learned to stop worrying and love flying internationally.
Jackie Mason | August 23, 2006
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Scott Hardie | August 27, 2006
Nessie was mentioned in TC a while ago.
I hear you about businesses closing at 6pm, Scott. That was the biggest nuisance of my family trip to England a years ago. We were stuck in a remote village one night at a mere 6:30 and the only place still open was a smoky pub that was waiting for its last drunken customer to leave so they could close up. It took ten minutes but my dad finally talked the owner into serving us a paltry dinner so we could eat something. I remember the glares of the wait staff at the Americans keeping them from going home while they stood around with nothing else to do.
But I had a good trip overall, and it sounds like you did too. It's a beautiful country. I look forward to your pictures.
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